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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Nope. Still haven't and beginning to wonder if I should bother waiting anymore.
  2. And so they pull this?! This is N. Korea's MO, to a tee. They behave like a petulant child when things aren't going their way but instead of just throwing their f'n milk on the floor, they kill a few people. And to top it off, they blame someone else, as usual. This shit can't continue. I'm so tired of them getting away with shit and treating their people the way they do while everyone dances like they're on rice paper for them. China especially needs to quit fucking babying them. And now, they supposedly have shown some pretty advanced tech concerning a secret uranium enrichment program. :doh:
  3. That's right. If I can't have it, nobody can!
  4. I wasn't aware "black" and/or "African American" was an auto immune disorder. BAM!
  5. lol What an :asshole: Im gonna go give him some negative rep for not leaving signing his name to it.
  6. lol I can't believe someone gave me negative rep for my posts in this thread. Hmm, I wonder if it was smokinHawk... He told me to be a man and eat food but didn't leave his name as the commenter. Well guess what, I believe you're a pussy woman 'gatherer' who can eat all the wheat and corn you can pick with your lips. I'll cut the crap outta my diet and stick to animal meats.
  7. All very good points especially with such a large dog. Great Danes have some inherent problems that can be lessened through good breeding. Anyway, Harlequins are cool as shit. Generally, a bit bigger and more mellow than some of the other colors, ie; tawny and black. Good luck and get some pics up if you guys find one.
  8. Always hated drunk hiccups. lol They suck. I hold my breath, as well and as the hicccup comes up, I kinda swallow it and turn it into a burp. Always works for me for any kinda hiccups.
  9. Sweet. I took pics of a hollow tree just the other day we can jam him into. However, you guys are being too lenient. We gotta break his arms and legs and then jam him all into the hollow tree so he wedges while still alive... Then you leave him there. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/HollowTree1.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/HollowTree2.jpg
  10. Yes. It is. There have actually been a couple modded for power in Japan by some big names other than Mugen. It slips my mind by who, though. I've been looking forward to seeing how people go about modding these hybrids. I can't wait to see what some people come up with.
  11. Wasn't a bad show and I actually gleaned a couple things from it.
  12. And even then, mostly only those with a European background can handle it. Many hispanics and Asians dont' handle it well. I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm really gonna have to try this. For some time now, whenever I eat some pancakes (just two, I"m not stuffing myself) I get very bloated and shitty feeling for like half the day. I love some damn pancakes, too. I actually get this way with many things I eat. Terrible bloating that can last for hours. It's really cut into what I can eat and how much I can eat. I've been managing it better and have decided recently to cut more wheat, etc out of my diet. I truly believe if I stop eating like a pussy cow and more like a manly caveman, I'd feel better.
  13. lol I hope you're just trolling. Personally, I've been wanting to cut out alot of wheats, corns, gluten and the like. It's not natural for us. This is why I believe so, so many have allergic reactions to it. Same with dairy. (Though, I could NEVER get up dairy and don't you fuckin dare try to make me!) I have a lot of stomach problems and Im hoping this will help. Seems to a bit so far though I've got a long way to go. There aren't any websites that list food products safe to eat for those who suffer like your wife?
  14. Weren't the republicans in power the last few years? lol What he said that didn't get quoted. > "Too many politicians in power." lol
  15. The numberologies are wrong. That's how you can detect a knockoff.
  16. Played the PS3 demo. It was fun enough but with GT coming out...
  17. Too bad they're not removing the 'ass' from it, too.
  18. lol Some people are better than others. Deal with it.
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