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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Ditto! Onto phase 2. I need that pump like a fish needs water.
  2. ImUrOBGYN

    What Happened?

    Oh, snap! I've got a 2 part question. Mustangs suck ass and go fuck yourself.
  3. They make a syn 15/40 in Mobil1. I've bought it before.
  4. Yeah, they go by the times the orders were placed, supposedly.
  5. Yes. Had completely slipped my mind at that moment.
  6. Oh, wow. That sucks. I don't really thing I've watched wrastling since that guy and the undertaker, bill..shit... that guy who speared people. He was a giant Jew. lol Eh, it's been too long. Anyway, used to love emulating that guy as a joke.
  7. lol Nasty. Damn kids and their dirty little germy hands touching everything. haha
  8. Not so fast, my man. What time did you get your order in? I found that thing not even 5min into it. It just took a f'n year to finally actually checkout. Only one of us gets it. I'll race you to IPS for it. BTW, I live in Delaware. GO!
  9. Holy shit, is that guy still around oozing 'machismo'?
  10. Forgot about this. May see if I can catch it at some point.
  11. Yeah, many people pussied... uh, I mean didn't show up. I'm a llittle more prepared this time. Lost a bit of weight, stopped smoking. Last time, I couldnt have been less ready. Hell, I smoked right up to the door and had been sick for two weeks previously.
  12. Still no answers? A couple things I've noticed you can always count on. A newly elected president causes immediate amnesia amongst the masses. And second, the current president is always worse than the last one.
  13. I think they handle well. You just can't be hamfisted with them. I've beaten much faster cars online in them due to their handling. Learn to drive. Not sure what all there is to unlock, however, there may be more to it later. I've unlocked a ton of shit already in my first few levels.
  14. You only get 1 item but it says to pick more than one in case you don't get some of your other free picks. So far, it looks like you guys are missing one of the free big items I found. I only chose two free things that are actually usable for me.
  15. Been trying to check out since like 2min after midnight. I finally got the checkout page to load only to have it want me to sign up for an account first. Doh... Then, no load again, anyway.
  16. A warning to those who haven't bought theirs yet. Went to buy gt5 from walmart today. Guy ringing me up asks me to plz open the package in front of him becuase they had someone else come back in and say there was no game in the case! I thought, really, you guys fell for that? Anyway, we open my package after purchase and no fuckin cd and crinkled manual! Holy shit! Well, they opened another and everything was intact. So, I got it and my updates about done!
  17. I love Rally's. It slowly replaced jack in the box for me when I moved here. However, they closed the Rallys here in Delaware a year or so ago. Fuckin sux. I hate McD's, I'm not into Wendy's, the KFC fuckin sux here. Actually, there isn't a good fast food place in Delaware. I've never lived anywhere where my order is fucked up literally almost every damn time. Doesn't matter which FF stop I goto here in Delaware. Taco Bell here is ok, sometimes and Tim Horton's but only at night. BTW, the only time I usually get a good order from any Tim Horton's is when I go at night. Weird.
  18. I think it's hilarious that after waiting all this time; days, months, years, and you guys are bitching about the install already. lol
  19. I've had my laptop for 7yrs! lol Not that I wouldn't want a new one, there's just always something that needs money thrown at it. And hey, I"m using it right now, so... Besides, you don't want what I have now. Anyway, I've actually heard alot of good things about Toshiba. If yours is having that many probs, take it back. No brand is always %100. I don't really have much to add since I believe everyone's covered most of it.
  20. lol Awesome, those guys are cool. You had him run across the floor yet? I remember my collared lizard and how hilarious he looked when he ran on two legs. If you don't mind me asking, what did you pay for him? You may post it here, pm me, or tell me to kiss your ass. Your choice. I know how some people are about money stuffs.
  21. Ive had something similar brought on by adrenaline. First, your body will draw your junk up in a tense situation. I assume this is the body's reaction to help protect the only thing your can use to carry on your genetics. The last time I had this happen was after thinking I was going to get pulled over a long ass time ago with an expired license and no insurance and I had just raced by a cop who wanted to come after me, (long story, bad timing) but got stuck behind traffic. So, I made my escape. Felt a little like someone kicked me in the balls a short time later.
  22. Bwhahaha!!! I really don't know who I'd fight. Most of the time I have a problem with someone on here, I don't even know their name. I generally only look at the comment and if I do look at the name, I usually forget in the next five minutes. I dont know. Linn might need another fight against someone who doesn't get thrown to the ground like a little bitch. lol Some of us can have a middle-age men match. This is where all middle age men meet in the parking lot, then have to jog around back of the bar before fighting, thus, tiring half of them out. Some will get calls from their significant others and have to leave, some will never even get out of the house, and the rest left will probably get bored and wander inside for a beer. We're all champions! BTW, if anyone wants to fight me, you should know if I win, I WILL steal your virginity. Remember that.
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