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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zI2YCpvGIog/RpbbXudS1tI/AAAAAAAAAXQ/UGc5yxQOCcY/s400/meredith.jpg I'm trainin 'im to be a killa'!
  2. This: and this: Could also be a weak alternator. Lights don't just dim that much even when they're old. They're more likely to just go out.
  3. And to think, I almost stayed home to rest my back. Little did I know I'd be diggin out two cars. lol
  4. I'm curious about the mouthpiece and wraps. Will those be provided, as well? And oh man, I sure hope my right wrist and damn back are feeling better by then. (They should. As long as I don't do something else stupid by then. )
  5. I see what you're saying. What bothers me, though, is that this will be abused and I feel will open up a whole 'nother can o' worms. lol
  6. Ha! Your cardio! I'm going to have to take a cigarette break 1min into it.
  7. 250lb may not be too bad, but it's enough for your head apparently. A glass isn't very heavy for me, either, but I've dropped one before, you know? Better to be safe than sorry. My condolences go out to his family.
  8. ImUrOBGYN

    dear toyota

    Dude, I've read it all at this point. Oh, and thanks for proving two of my points about doing full research before posting and media attention. I don't have the time to point it out for you if you're missing the irony. lol Half the articles are shit. It's all a matter of perspective and many things have been taken out of context. Is Toyota perfect? Fuck no, it's a business. However, it's the large amounts of misleading misinformation and everyone who thinks they know everything that's bothersome and annoying. So much of the media is taking this ride and misconstruing and/or making assumptions that the public swallows up, just like anything else they want to keep exciting at the time. Oh, and I've forgotten more shit about this thing than I remember at this point. As I've said, I've kept up with a lot of the talk. I don't recall the article at this point, but the Steve thing is irrelevant. I wish the hell I could remember the particulars about it. Oh, and unless this whole thing about Toyota lying about shit is a new thing (as in the last couple days since I've kinda took a break from caring for now) then there is no proof. But, like I said, I haven't been keeping up lately; before you keep all worked up again. haha
  9. ImUrOBGYN


    We played the hell out of this game awhile back. It's great becuz you don't need 2 or 3 players. But it makes it fun working together. I've gone back and got almost everything from eveyr level. I ended up beating it awhile back. I do think the last level was easier by myself, though. I use the wizard mostly. He's not for everyone, though.
  10. ImUrOBGYN

    dear toyota

    I guess you are unaware that almost every manufacturer had accelerator claims. You may be suprised to know that Ford leads the way by far. That includes Toyota. It'd be short of amazing if any of you did your own damn research before repeating what you hear like so much power of parrot.
  11. ImUrOBGYN

    dear toyota

    Maybe they feel the need since everyone is riding their ass so hard? I mean, what have you heard about the Honda recall? How bout the GM recalls? "Oh", you say. "But they didnt recall as many as Toyota." Hmm. What about the 4million+ cars Ford just recalled. Or how about the fact that their main Ford guy actually told customers not to even park the affected vehicles in their garages because they catch FUCKIN FIRE. Or maybe someone would like to mention the recent Chrysler recall. No? Why? I'll tell you why. Because that's not news. lol This whole thing cracks me the hell up. You can always tell how good you are by the amount of haters you have. lol Not to mention the plethora of misinformation. Oh, and for the guy above who claims its the ecm, how in the hell do you know? Where are your facts? Do you have some sort of insider info you're privy to that the rest of us aren't including Toyota? Do you really think they'd knowingly do this and not recall them? Do you assume those who run Toyota are from another planet where common sense and logic cannot win out? Are you aware that a private group and the NTSA both started their own investigations into Totota including the ecm software and found no faults? I guess they're covering it up, too. \ Either way, I'll continue to drive and enjoy both my yota's immensely. And if you dont like it, well, try not to be in front of me at a light.
  12. Most of mine aren't floaters. I'm not generally a gassy guy. I do burp alot, though.
  13. Everything in that car looks so nice to touch. Makes me wanna get in it naked and rub myself around. Hmm, probably just ruined any chance I have of riding in one, now.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    USA USA!

    Was looking forward to this game. I knew it'd be more physical. That's just North American hockey. I wasn't too sure we'd beat them (and we probably won't if we face them again. Canada had almost twice as many shots on goal. GO FUCKIN MILLER!) Howev3er, I've been saying since the beginning that the US has a chance at gold. Everyone assumes they don't becuz they're so young, etc. They're suprising the shit out of people, now. This win was huge.
  15. Congratulations and good luck with your decision.
  16. Hey, at least they use organic, free-range chickens. womp womp
  17. 6'1" or thereabouts 285lb of punch absorbing fat and muscle Won the Texas national Street Fighter tournament (the arcade game ... and it was like 17 or 18yrs ago.)
  18. Back to Cali for me. No second thoughts. IF I felt the company had an actual future and I wouldn't be out on my ass in 6months to a year.
  19. I wonder how much longer than slippin tranny would last with some 24's on it. Good thing it's so fast.
  20. That sure sounds and looks like him in the last vid. lol He may be a ballsy old fucker, but he's a crazy old, racist one.
  21. Yeah, been noticing them everywhere. Started a game of throwing snowballs at them for fun. Then, decided yesterday it would be ok to shoot mine and the neighbors with a pellet rifle because I'm saving lives. Fun to shoot them right at the base and watch them stick in the snow. There's a huge one at the apts across my backyard right above an a/c unit I wanna let go. lol
  22. Entertaining predictions. I agree with most of them verbatim. The only one I'm unsure of is the Nogueira fight. He's a great fighter and seems to be a great guy. Huge fan of him since Pride. However, he looked really slow and old in his fight with Mir. Seemed very uncharacteristic. If comes out like that, Cain will overwhelm him with his youth and strength.
  23. ImUrOBGYN


    I think I'd hold off on that. At least until someone reputable can confirm it with real test data. I have heard that this will make your "Tornado" spin faster.
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