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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Thorne broke his car again...
  2. I've been saying this for years and refuse to use these products unless I have absolutely no choice. There's also been an increase in bad reactions to these products from my pets and others. I've been through mutliple summers without a flea problem and without the use of chemical products. Whenever my dogs go anywhere, they are checked head to toe for parasites before going into the car and again, before going into the house. I try to keep their exposure to a minimum. It's a poison. How can this not be bad for them? And that oil shit is the worse, imo. http://www.naturalnews.com/028517_flea_collars_pet_health.html
  3. Not good, but the door isn't closed. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100406/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_internet_rules
  4. If it was in a residential area, the other party is at fault. Whether she used her blinker or not is irrelevant. There is NO PASSING in a residential area of another moving car. Hell, and some of you may not know this, it's even illegal to pass someone on the right even if they have their left blinker on to turn in an intersection with no dedicated left hand turn lane. If she's "at fault", does she have a court appearance to make? It sucks, but a lawyer would eat this shit up. However, if money's a problem, plenty of pics and witnesses showing up may be enough to scare them out of this. Once you win the case, you can file a civil suit or some shit against that guy for damages and court costs or something. ---- Sidestory ---- Watched a security officer speeding in a truck, strike and kill a guy in his early 20's riding a bike. After everyone was there, I remember talking to the parents (who lived nearby) and turning to see and hear the fuck laughing with a couple of the cops. What about? Dunno. Standing there with the parents... I don't give a fuck if you just heard the funniest joke ever. This is not the fucking time after an accident. It is inappropriate and unprofessional. Anyway, don't let them get away with this BS.
  5. The guy's black, not Cuban. And since I'm already using stereotypes, lettuce solidify them. He recently beat former All American Clark Kellogg in a game of Horse. (I'm not sure wth they were spelling, but it wasn't HORSE.) The man's gotta suprising outside jumper once he's warmed up. During the game, he talks a little trash and even says how he's not going to be humiliated on public televison... but then that pitch... lol
  6. Kinda liked it, too. Same for the vid. They got a couple others that aren't too bad, either. Wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiddy_Bang#Discography
  7. Could possibly be burned off using the lasers.
  8. The pro charger wasn't there before. It's a new addition along with some more 'decoration'. Article update was on Jalopnik, as well.
  9. lol http://farm1.static.flickr.com/25/36147533_3436768398.jpg http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/06/21/worlds_ugliest_dog_2008.jpg (These are actually pics of Chinese Crested Dogs. Bad examples but I thought they made better pics for the thread. haha)
  10. I didn't see anything concerning sexting? I guess this is ok, still. They can't prove you were texting, but I'm sure it'll be obvious to them when you're swerving and looking down. And anyway, if you're swerving, etc that's enough of a reason to pull you over for suspicion regardless if it looks like your on the phone or not. As far as asking me for my phone once you pull me over... Kiss my fuckin ass. Get a warrant. When did this stop being Uhmerika?!
  11. We just got the edge of the bad part of it up here. No hail, though. I heard is was carrying some big hail at one point. I stood outside in the garage to watch the lightning. Blinded the hell outta me a couple times.
  12. Thanks to those who've replied. It's pretty informative, so far. Any other input is still appreciated.
  13. For those who've gotten affordable dental care at OSU, plz chime in. Who's been? How did you go about getting work done and/or qualifying for said work? How much was it compared to normal dental offices? How convenient were appts, etc? Thanks everyone.
  14. Read an interesting article yesterday. I won't go into details, so here: http://workshop.search-autoparts.com/_Ford-Designing-a-Laser-Ignition-System/blog/2231940/31710.html
  15. No, dork. Read my post again. On 315 South. lol Around where the speed drops to 55 and you can see downtown a little ways to the SE.
  16. Where were you at? I've never been pulled over by plane but I've been pulled over by copter and lit up by them a few times, as well. I've been lit up by a copter for not doing a damn thing on at least two occasions on 315 heading South in the same area. I wish I could remember the exits I was by offhand.
  17. :barf: <-- (I laughed to hard.) :funny:
  18. I could tell this wasn't going to go well. Also, what 'gorilla' are you refering to? Be right back... I can turn my propane tank off and on, no problem.
  19. I've heard this does 'wonders'. A well-built turbo is going to be balanced and bench tested before shipping out. Your only job is to be sure it's properly installed and primed. Granted, the idea of heat cycling the turbo a couple times makes sense and in the process, you'd be performing any break-in, needed or otherwise. Where did you purchase the turbo? Or, better yet, who do you have the warranty with if you have one? What do they recommend? If no go on those questions, what manufacturer is it? What do they recommend you do for their turbos? Nobody's gonna know more than these people I've mentioned. And if something goes wrong, you have a much more viable source of blame.
  20. Welcome to CR. +1 for Army of Darkness reference.
  21. Bought a harness for mine and it was practially plug and play. Id definitely hit up a 240 forum, as well.
  22. ImUrOBGYN

    Fuck Mono

    Which mono were you diagnosed with? Once is caused by Epstein-Barr virus the other is caused by cytomegalovirus. Sucks either way, man. Most people are exposed to it as children, tho there's always a chance to catch it as an adult.
  23. They were Jumbo Hebrew Nationals so they're kosher which means that they're at least limited to the type of animal genitals that are included. In all truth, by far the best f'n hotdogs (all beef, too) I've ever had. You'll never want a hotdog from anywhere else again.
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