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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Did this exact thing on Saturday (minus the car meet bfast), instead of the car show, as well. It was a great day for it and the rav was already dirty.
  2. This is the problem with debating. People only become more entrenched in their views. I, for one, am so completely sick of hearing people label each other. It's not just the dems who do this. Whoever said that earlier in the thread proved this. It's both shitty ass fuckin parties who purposely set out to split our nation, cause confusion, and foster lies. What better way to is there to convolute the situation and take advantage of the people's confusion. I'm not a democrat, republican, politician, etc. I'm a fucking American.
  3. wth?! Now, I need to see the movie.
  4. Watched an article on Discovey or some shit awhile back. Really cool idea that just 'never really left the ground'.... ahem.
  5. Ford has a few turbo autos in the works, including a "world" focus we'll finally get here that is shared with Europe, etc, instead of us always getting the plebian version.
  6. This ^ However, they should offer both online and offline.
  7. Holy crap, I wanna go, now. Nothing girly about wanting to eat everyone's cupcakes! http://www.columbusunderground.com/cupcakecamp-is-coming-to-columbus
  8. There's a very good chance my bigass will be in St Louis for this, now.
  9. I like to trip little kids running through the store.
  10. HOw the hell was it hooked up that it would do that?
  11. Interesting updates: Local news in San Diego reported that he (Prius owner) filed 2 burglary reports for over 50k and they found that the reports were unsubstantiated. What do you bet he did this for lawsuit money? They also found he had just been to Toyota asking about the accelrator recall and they told him there were no acceleration issues with his prius only the floormat recall. Then, coincidentally, this happens.
  12. It's too bad shit like this happens. Im not saying Toyota is innocent in all this, (hell, none of us can truly make a comment as to what the hell is going), but this kinda crap only makes finding and solving the real problem that much harder when they have to waste time with this shit. Toyota today slammed the mechanics behind Brian Ross' ABC News report on unintended acceleration, showing how they were manipulated by recreating the same fault on a Chevy, Mercedes, Honda and Ford. Here's how the hoax occurred. http://jalopnik.com/5488464/the-mechanics-of-abc-news-unintended-toyota-acceleration-hoax
  13. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. That's what Jim Harris did when his Peterbilt 18-wheeler rolled on the Hollywood Freeway in Los Angeles. The rig was totaled, so it ended up sitting around taking up space. His son's college truck, a '95 F-150, was also no longer being used. In a flash of inspiration, it became obvious what had to be done with this clutter. http://www.dieselpowermag.com/features/ford/0810dp_1995_ford_f150_cummins_diesel/index.html
  14. I heard only staff were involved. Disgruntled worker?
  15. Nice. Anyone know what he's running under the hood?
  16. Sounds like a good excuse for me to move the hell away from everything.
  17. ImUrOBGYN


    Screw that. I'd rather have cold and snowy than shitty and rainy. Now, I wouldn't mind if we could skip straight from snow to nice weather and greenery.
  18. Meant to post this a couple days ago. Hilarious. Whoever created this is a genius.
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