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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. This still isn't getting Bride Wars on BluRay VHS for me.
  2. ImUrOBGYN

    Hey FUBAR

    Well, this thread is beginning to play itself out but before it does, I'd like to add something serious to it. One of my best friends recently moved in with me from Texas. After attending the first meet Friday night, he did not come away with the best impression do to the incessant "hating" going on around there. Me, I don't care. People haven't talked shit to me, at least not where I can hear, but I do find it interesting that someone from the outside is given this impression. It's disappointing. Many are good people but because they don't drive what you drive or mod their car the way you want or not part of your group, they're harassed and made to feel unwelcome. A little harmless ribbing is one thing, but some of you are being completey immature and taking things too far. Grow up, learn to respect others and be real men, not taunting little internet pussies. One more thing about the Fubar deal. Let me just point out that those of you making fun of this guy must feel real fucking big. The guy's 17 and would blow away in a good wind and you want to start shit with him? At least he holds a job and puts money into his car (performance wise - not that I fuckin care or should you). Talk shit to me when I get out of my "80's piece of shit 160 WHP tokyo drift pile of two tone junk!!" I'm doubting unless you're gearhead that won't happen. (The guy I quoted this from can eat a dick. I feel he purposely tried to hurt my car's feeling, as well.) Seriously, people. Get off your high horses. Too many people are turned off to this site and meets due to this behaviour. Everyone likes to be invited to a circle jerk. Quit pushing people away. Shane (FUBAR), just let it fly. You probably had some bad timing showing up when you did and it wasn't anything personal to begin with. Just be glad you didn't have any flashing lights on the car. lol You know how it is here.
  3. Welcome. There's a paperclip in my penis hole. It's cold.
  4. I'm going to download a blu ray version movie and would like to know if you can burn it to vhs for watching in my extra bedroom. If you can, please burn a copy of Bride Wars to vhs for me. I'd be willing to spend a couple bucks. Thanks.
  5. O lordy! Save the little children!
  6. That would smart. But he still whined like a little bitch in the vid. It's not the end of the world. Her intent wasn't to critically injure him or anything. Now, humiliate and laugh at? Job done.
  7. Done. But since ye of a little faith are so gung ho, I think I should be given some form of compensation to make this worth my while. So, I may regret this, but here it goes: You bring $5 and I will let you close it on my hand. You give me $5 more and you can do it again and so on. lol Maybe, it's been awhile. I should go and do it right now and make sure it's not as bad as I remember. lol NO FUCKIN RAT TRAPS! lol
  8. I want that damn car. Always have. Check this pic out. One of my fav's. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Celica_ra28.jpg Cars that I miss: 1992 Oldsmobile Calais 442 w/HO Quad 4 motor. At just under 200hp and getrag tranny and special suspension, this thing screamed back in the day. This car, along with my next one I list, killed many, many camaros and the like in the late 80s early 90s. Triumph TR7 Man, I miss this little car. Not tuning the dual carbs, but I miss the rest of it. It's like a little door wedge, light as shit and with a few mods, was really quite fun. I got rid of this car to buy a brand new car when my wife had my daughter. Datsun 510 Was purchased from a Japanese man who worked for my grandfather on the super cheap. I was the second owner. If you own a 510, California has the greatest meet ever for them. It's a great car and loads of fun. Can't beat compact and rear wheel drive. It was a sliverish olive green. Hard to explain. 1980 Toyota Supra Once again, I was the second owner of a white w/blue interior supra. This car had 4wheel disc, power everything, temp select hvac, interior was PERFECT as well as the exterior. It had 6x,xxx mi on it. I drove that thing all over the US including Mexico. Though, I did perform many mods on it, I did this at a time when I didn't have access to the internet or was aware of surpa specific sites (if there were any at the time). If only I had the info and supplies I have, now... This car was sold a short time after purchasing my first mkiii 1990 supra. (Which is also gone, now.) I just didn't have the room and money. I'm a fuckin idiot. Some others that I miss was my Dodge Daytona Turbo and even my little Fiero with the speakers in the headrest. Didn't have it for very long, though. Honestly, I've loved and missed every single car I've ever had. I somehow manage to find enjoyment in whatever car I drive and appreciate it for what it is/offers. Like a woman.
  9. I still play alot of gran turismo but just haven't found the money to blow on the wheel. A couple buddys of mine have the whole setup but it doesn't stop me from whipping their ass with a normal controller.
  10. ImUrOBGYN

    Baby ducks

    If I knew my dogs wouldn't kill it, I'd take one. I've got one of those kids pools and a fenced yard and even a bird feeder.
  11. You're not a fish. You're a man.
  12. I am in. If you need a little help, let me know since Norm and I live right up the road.
  13. Holy crap, man. Good luck with the healing process.
  14. I can do you one better. Be right back. Moments later... Here ya go! http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/lung.jpg I also know of a case where someone had a bean sprout in their ear.
  15. Swain has products like this, as well. http://www.swaintech.com/store.asp?pid=10961
  16. I find myself in that situation, as well. Kinda sucks. Bars are definitely alot less fun, now.
  17. ImUrOBGYN


    That car runs 7.44 sec @ 181mph at 40 psi, no nitrous.
  18. Not getting the phone number thing. Especially, since it's only 9 numbers.
  19. I clean up after 3 dogs in my yard. Not little dogs. Needless to say, I can collect a large amount of varied dog shit in a short amount of time. I bag it all and then take it to the trash. It could, I don't know, get "lost" on the way to my trashcan up front. If you know what I mean... However, anything done to them at this point is going to be blamed on you. Not good, especially if you are going to still pursue your $500 or at least drag their name thru the mud. If and when you decide for a little retaliation, feel free to pm.
  20. Holy shit what a bunch of fucking whiny pussies you are. I could build a goddamn sandcastle in here but it'd smell like pussy. Pay attention to the vid. This guy pranks her all the time. I thought it was fuckin hilarious regardless of who played the prank and who was pranked. Btw, they were mouse traps and marbles. Shane (Fubar), those fuckin mousetraps barely kill mice. You bring a mouse trap and $5 and I'll prove it to you with my own hand. Hell, it's not even worth the 5. Fuckin things don't even hurt. lol @ most of you in this thread.
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