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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I love complicated models. I'm really tempted to give it a shot. I just don't have anywhere comfortable to build it at. No room, etc.
  2. Does anyone know if there was a new Family Guy on this past Sunday? I found new American Dad, Simpsons, and King of the Hill but no Family Guy. I thought they were all new this past Sunday. Anyone catch it and see?
  3. Hahaha I want of these. Or, use it to bribe your favorite police officer or fat person. http://www.perpetualkid.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=3032
  4. http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/06/the-amazing-ori.html You can even purchase the materials and instructions to make your own. Video at the bottome of the page.
  5. Some of the cost could be made up due to not needing many of the supplies/parts needed to do a normal turbo install. I didn't actually look at the price of these, so I don't know if you'd come out ahead or not since I didn't feel like putting forth the effort to find out.
  6. The feeling I've got is that more of the world is happy he's the president. But I'm not the world so don't take my word for it.
  7. And the triple... The commercial that pissed me off is that local hydroponics "let's get dirty in the basement" commercial. It's always like 10 times louder than anything you're watching, then halfway through the commercial, it gets another 10fucking times louder. And tell that bitch to change. I'd like to shove that cactus right up her... Anyway, it gets on my nerves.
  8. lol That guy trips me out. "You gettin' this camera guy!"
  9. It's like they know your penis is small or something!
  10. Ah, ya bastard. Beat me to it. I was checking these out yesterday. People who've lived there all their lives have never seen anything like it.
  11. I happened to be standing on my head and noticed the sky was sad.
  12. I probably have 2 or 3 laying around somewhere if Kevin's have mysteriously disappeared.
  13. Don't see why turning would be a problem for these anymore than it would a tank. I could be wrong, but I'd imagine they'd turn by spinning the tracks on one side in the opposite direction of the other side (or combination, thereof). I'm not saying you should autocross it...
  14. "It looks dumb!" WTFever. lol You know that shit would be fun. Just like lawnmower racing and ice blocking. <-- And if you don't know what that is, you need to get out from behind your computer more often and have a little simple fun.
  15. C'mon. One of you rich guys try it out. You know you want to. The Abercrombie isn't making you unique any longer. This will.
  16. Real good, too. Get help with it if you don't know what you're doing. I use ad-aware and spybot, as well.
  17. Ditto that. I also told my one of dogs, Titan, about it. KHutch, he wants to get your douchey ass.
  18. hahah lol What an ass. I know that's someone on here. Oh, and the ending is just fuckin classic. That's one of the reasons I don't fuckin show off. Eventually, it's gonna end badly and you're gonna look like a fuckstick. (You probably already do if you feel the need to showoff inappropriately. Yes, there are a few appropriate times. Most don't know when they are.)
  19. I don't know about dating, but I know I'd fuck a good lucking one at least once. I'd also like a to do a good looking body building chick just once. Of course, finding good looking ones of either of those can be hard. I've dated a 4'11" chick before, too. (And a few 6ft - 6ft+) It made for some awkward positions and for some intereting ones. She had huge tits even for a normal sized woman. Gorgeous latina. Nothing looked underage about her so there was no "screwing a little girl" issues. Which is good for me as I've generally liked older woman, anyway.
  20. How were any of you fooled by this for even a second?
  21. Congrats on the truck. Given a choice on trucks, that's the one I'd get.
  22. Fishtanks tomorrow. Meant to do them today. Would've cured some boredom but it's too late to dick with, now. I think I may play some ncaa or gt5 on the ps3 in a bit. What's ur name on there, Andy?
  23. Almost considered grabbing the dog and taking a drive, but what for? No all wheel drive here and any amount of acceleration results in wheel spin. I would drive if I had somewhere to go but no point in cruising for me. I also no longer drink. Ulcer. I don't mind other things, but I'm so deep into boredom, it may not matter. lol Besides, drinking, etc. is fine alone, but once you're this bored, it just doesn't do.
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