I'll post for Rick.
"Because god has a plan." or "Everything for a reason, etc, etc."
My smartass post:
Hitler is smarter than Christians and/or god.
A real post:
And this one causes contention amongst Christians - Because god supposedly allows free will. Whether it be slaughtering Jews, eating a whole pint of ice cream, or helping the homeless. Your judgement comes later by Him. (Ahem, not now, by Christians or what I like to call "Holier than thou's" or any other "believer", whatever faith you may have.) Now this, of course, opens a whole can of worms dealing with those who'd believe that God still grants "miracles", has an effect on who wins a war or sports game, lives or dies, listens to prayer, etc. Sorry, Christians, you gotta pick one or the other. The Man has a hand in it all or not at all. Actually, Im so curious on the subject and the opinions of others, I may actually start a thread about it.
An excuse for Christians is that you cannot understand or know all of god's ways or will. But, I find that excuse is normally used when it's convenient and has a tendency to bring to light many religious followers bigotries.
Myself, as an agnostic, will tell you, "Who the fuck knows?". Those who are religious should agree. I mean, if you follow your own teachings. Doesn't god work in mysterious ways? So, in conclusion, nobody who comes in here should know the answer. lol