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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Shit. My ex-wife works for Boeing in St. Louis. This is going to end up affecting me if it turns out badly. Almost afraid to call.
  2. ImUrOBGYN


    It has gotten a bit crazy.
  3. x2 I spend a day every other week doing nothing but exlporing for places like this. I would gladly strangle the answer... I mean, too bad you won't tell me where. Why did you have to post it? Now, I'm gonna have "Where In The World is Carmen Sandiego" that shit. Sweet find, nonetheless, man.
  4. lol I'm gonna go hug a tree, now. You guys feel free to throw rocks at me after my last hippie post.
  5. I think we should all fight with each some more like we're from different countries or something. Like we're not all in this together. Like a politician is a politician is a politician. Like we don't know they're all full of shit. Seriously, some banter is good; a bit of debating. But it hurts me and upsets me to see people get so upset with each other because of this shit. Who's fault is it? Our corrupt political system. We can't take it out on them as easily as we can take it out on each other.
  6. Something tells me he didn't grow up in the hood or got away young. Growing up, roaches helped control the population by carrying off the real young. Looks like he got away, but they've come for him...
  7. I would buy this game if the laptop could play it. Played it last night at Bill's house for a bit. Took alot of effort to stop playing. I had a hard time playing Sim Earth, etc due to the slow pace and shit. I really haven't played it enough to comment, but I had moved pretty far inland and was still finding it fun as hell; and more so as I went along. If you like the game, buy it! You are missing out on one of the biggest plusses of the game by not being able to go online with the bootleg versions. We had like 5 people playing last night. It was pretty cool to see the various ways people evolved their animals.
  8. I think you took the whole weight saving thing a bit too far.
  9. ImUrOBGYN


    Yeah, I download it every Monday night and watch it Tue. It is a pretty damn good show. I actually really like the intro/theme song in the beginning. They change the singer for each show starting the 2nd season, I believe. I like the original and the reggae one near the end of the 2nd season(I think) the best. Doug's freakin hilarious.
  10. What about this, then? PALIN-tology - 45+ Problems for McCain's VP in just 35 hours (with links to examples.) http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/8/30/201818/606 Some points are valid, a few may not be.
  11. lol Should be the chariot of demons.
  12. ImUrOBGYN

    Palin fans

    Here's a quick vid on some alleged Palin antics. Can these be contested or is it true? http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/162958/Sarah-Palin-for-CENSORSHIP.html I, for one, don't want this kinda shit.
  13. I see your point. However, it's not that pod I want exactly. What interests me is the small size (but still more roomy than a tent) which equates to easy to pull, easy on gas, easier on the car, easier to store and park, etc. And hopefully, much more affordable than an rv you pull or drive. (Though, obviously, not as nice.) And yes, I'll take mine in a different freakin color.
  14. What are you kidding?! That's the perfect gift! I'm buying one for my gf for those times when we can't be together. Or for when I'm just too busy playing a game or something. lol Or using it myself.
  15. Where did you find out it was fake? I never heard it was fake. If someone said it was fake, it was probably that guy who got denied. lol I went to minor league baseball game and this guy proposed to this girl while they were in their seats during the 7th inning stretch. He was denied. I watched the whole thing unfurl a short distance from me. Really?! During a fucking minor league baseball game?!
  16. Guy's out there. He would be the perfect man for the Chicken Lady, though.
  17. Welcome to the site. Seems you like you have a durable hide and decent sense of humor.
  18. So many blind people. Go vote in fear. Just like they want you to.
  19. Just had a dream this morning I was stranded out in the middle of the ocean. It was dark and I remember being worried about sharks. There's more to it, but eh. Have a good trip. Be safe. I'm jealous.
  20. Agreed, however, I don't think I can pull that comfortably with the Supra or the gf's Cougar. Though, I did tow a 16ft boat with the Cougar halfway across the country.
  21. The quality is more than fine. I play it through my comp onto my widescreen in letterbox. It's a 42in HD widescreen and everything is perfectly clear. It's all about how it's coded.
  22. I think that's pretty much what everyone feels here.
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