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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Fuck! He didn't mean a 45 like the gun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGPCUbkQ4PI
  2. Can no longer view it. Sounds like it's almost doubled in size since yesterday.
  3. I think you guys are missing the point. First, I feel he was just pissed and venting. I'm sure nobody else here has ever said anything in the heat of the moment they regretted later. Secondly, he mentioned the guy in the STI wanted John (9t1GVR4) to follow him down a side road after almost hitting them and after, what I assume may've been some hand signals/words. Course, I wasn't there so...
  4. Like he said. I looked into this when I had my old car. Alot of work. Not to much work to find someone who'll discount your work and/or parts for partial sponsorship, though.
  5. I know the last guy there didn't need it. You don't need a dog you fuckin can't even control. Owners like that piss me off for obvious reasons.
  6. Man, I wish this guy lived near me. I'm so bored right now.
  7. ImUrOBGYN

    Would You Cheat?

    Does it count as cheating if you're both married? Just not to each other.
  8. ImUrOBGYN

    Would You Cheat?

    There was a time in past relationships, including my marriage, that I did cheat. Sadly, I was very good it. As I get older, my conscious seems to grow and I do my best to not find myself in situations where I may be tempted. I'd rather not hurt the person I'm with and the stress can be relentless if not handled with the utmost care. The question I'm used to hearing is would you cheat on your loved one if you had the opportunity to cheat with that one fantasy person. (That you'd probably never get the chance to anyway.)
  9. ImUrOBGYN

    Mitt Quits !

    An update to Ron Paul's Campaign "This Candidate Doesn't Quit" http://people.ronpaul2008.com/campaign-updates/2008/02/09/this-candidate-doesnt-quit
  10. Try this. http://www.spore.com/index.php
  11. That guy was cracking me the fuck up. I wonder if he yells for the same reason some martial artists do. Not only that, but it's gotta be distracting for the other runners.
  12. Sounds like you're on the right track to me. Look into the internet fraud bureau thing, too.
  13. http://www.spore.com/screenshots.php?movieID=7&play=hi BTW, you don't have to install the Active X control. Just click the red x. The video will still load and play.
  14. I built a lifesize model of the dog in my avatar sitting in the yard. I let both dogs out afterward and it kinda ruffled the skittish female as she didn't want to get to close to it. Titan, the dog it was modeled after, promptly went out to it and pissed on it. Guess everyone doesn't appreciate art. The night before the USC/Illinois game I was in Champaign/Savoy at the Mayor's house packed full with Illi fans. I'm a USC fan. I went out back to smoke a cig and built a HUGE USC out of snow that was about 30yrds by 15yrds.
  15. AMC = American Made Crap The cars were crap for the most part and being built at the wrong time. Bad milage, bad build quality; they were getting beat out and going under. Still, it would be cool if they brought them all back. There were some great ideas there and there were a couple that are classics anyway.
  16. Stereotypical comment in: 3 2 1 I knew it was safe when I realized some black guys were getting in.
  17. Yeah, heard about this recently. I want a PS3 and I've had great experience with Netflix (DO NOT GOTO INTELLIFLIX!) so this is good news for me. However, it sucks you wasted money. I would get on the ball and sell that player you have now while the selling's good. I believe Best Buy's going all Blu Ray, too. Or was it Blockbuster? I dunno.
  18. Maybe a little too old school as it seems his brain has wasted away much like that car.
  19. http://www.vintagecomputer.net/vcf3/minivac_601.jpg
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