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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. lol Awesome. And not to make you paranoid, but you should be aware that there may be repurcussions; either to you or more likely your property. Chances are they'll never come back, though. Whenever I've been suspicious about my car, my weapon I go out with is my dog.
  2. http://remtek.com/arms/sig/model/229/229.gif
  3. Yeah, saw that a couple days ago. That bitch is crazy. On a sidenote, I thought she attended Dr. Rick's church?
  4. "Gonna get buck in here!" Thanks for the website.
  5. Over the last couple days, while on CR and only on CR, I've had my browser crash. Has anyone else had this problem or have any headsup? Thanks.
  6. Man, they just don't fuckin get the point.
  7. http://images.google.com/url?q=http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~campber/veejay196b.jpg&usg=AFQjCNG_LqZZawsfMg01VYg51DHbTBuy_g
  8. My bad. Thought it seemed familiar. What do you want at 5 in the morning?!
  9. http://videos.topredline.com/video/bfeaa255-f00b-45f6-8934-98b7002ee33e.htm
  10. New episodes have been on!
  11. I hope it comes down. I have a $150 off a PS3 coupon from Best Buy. Just waiting.
  12. What was that about Firefox/Mozilla? Stop thinking you're untouchable and get to patching your crap. http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=841&tag=nl.e539 This next one may not be for some of you. "Even SSL Gmail can get sidejacked" http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=842&tag=nl.e539
  13. I had a little female ferret. I had only one. Through my experience, it's actually better to have one as long as you take the time with them. Nicki became very attached and affectionate. She was also always very playful; a constant character. If you're ever missing a hot wheel car or some keys or even one of your shirts, good chance they've hidden it in a secret spot. Her's was under my dresser. She had a cage but I rarely kept her in there. I used a shampoo made specifically for ferrets and bathed her once a week. It takes no more than 5 min for such a little creature and she wouldn't smell bad at all. She was also litter trained. Check into them. They do have a couple things you should watch for like Adrenal disease. Nicki got this very late in life, however. I miss her very much. She died on Father's Day a few years back. Good luck with the sale, if I had the money I'd probably grab her up.
  14. You are riding the hell out of this "counting to a million" thing. lol Somebody need to hire you to sell something.
  15. http://www.rossettiarchive.org/img/2-1881.1ed.153.jpg
  16. Pretty lucky. http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/140751/Wheel_of_Fortune.html
  17. Depends. Is the family Christian/religious?
  18. That hasn't been done before. Guess it's time for my 2jzs=1E
  19. The year of my birth: :funny: Edit: Aw dammit. You beat me to it. Ok, on with the next one then. Can't believe you even posted the same pic I was. 1yr after my birth: http://www.omodern.com/Eurobad/eurobad74.jpg
  20. I didn't realize that was considered torture. Good thing I got divorced.
  21. Damn, you beat me to 13 while I was grabbing a pic. Oh well... http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/891/45037146.JPG
  22. lol Dammit. I missed it just being the title and read through most of the article before coming back and realizing all I had to do was read the title.
  23. I don't care whether I hear Stern or not. Having said that, I haven't any of the problems others have had with XM radio. Neither has my gf or best friend. Occasionally, if you use the FM tuner, you may have a bit of static if you don't have it set on an unused station. I have had no experience with Sirius so I cannot comment. However, when they first came out, I had decided on XM due to stations, etc. That may've changed by now. I'm just hoping they merge then I won't have to worry about it.
  24. Not much cuter than a smiling/laughing baby. I was lucky enough to have a daughter who began sleeping through the night just a few, short days after bringing her home.
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