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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. That's pretty funny. His first one was, too. It was posted here, but I've decided to post the link to the first one here, too so no diggin around for the 'lazies'. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1790416
  2. My best friend has one a silver MR2 Spyder (but the one that's a bit older than the one you have pictured - the front end looks much better on the earlier Spyders). Anyway, he has a 2zz swap (same motor in the Lotus), PowerFC, supercharger going on in Feb, lowered, etc. Freakin thing is an absolute blast to drive. Revs to just about 9grand and without the supercharger runs low 13's. Even I fit in it without being snug and I'm over 6' tall and a big guy. It's an adult gokart and people are always asking him about his "Porsche". lol Obviously, not an cheap as a Fiero, but I'd choose the MR2 anyday and I've owned a Fiero (a very, very long time ago.) Basically, the mr2 spyder is the poor man's Elise. As far as the 1st and 2nd gens go, the first gen, if you can find one, was also an absolute blast. Especially, the supercharged one. The second one grew quite a bit in size and weight and though still fun and having quite a capable motor, was nowhere as nimble as the 1st and 3rd gens. ON another note, there's been a yellow/blk rimmed Fiero near my house in decent condition for a very long time. If anyone's interested, I believe it's on Klondike Rd, E/NE of Delaware or about. I can get an address the next time I roll through there.
  3. Very true. I've been to a couple IHOPs that sucked, but boyyy, talk about the good ones! Same thing for many places I've frequented. Rarely do I find a fast food/restaraunt that is just bad everytime I goto it, ie; McDonalds here in Delaware is freakin terrible (McD's had gone downhill over the years anyway) everytime I've gone; food, service, amt of time, etc.), so, I no longer go there. Rally's by my house, I only goto in the evenings when this one particular manager's working. Food is f'n great then, subpar if they've got the 'teenagers' working. lol Oh, and Country Griddle Pancakes at IHOP, ftw. I wish someone else would start making them, too.
  4. Where do you live? Definitely may be interested.
  5. I wonder if it passes the new ratings? I'll have to go check it out. Thx.
  6. ImUrOBGYN

    Passing on 270

    Ugh... I better chime in. *deep breath* I was the hot chick in the car next to you both. I had purposely pulled up by you guys to hit on you, maybe flash you my tits, but I had just lost them to some dike in a Subaru Forester earlier in the day. They're not cheap. Thanks for the compliment, however. I hadn't even shaved yet that day.
  7. It seems to me it's only a temporary fix to placate the masses. Or... It's a huge digital tv conspiracy created to run in conjunction with this: "Later, Congress mandated that February 17, 2009 would be the last day for full-power television stations to broadcast in analog. Broadcast stations in all U.S. markets are currently broadcasting in both analog and digital. After February 17, 2009, full-power television stations will broadcast in digital only." Now, I won't even begin to get into the true implications of this here, however, this is a round about way to get people to go out and purchase digital and hd tv's. Conspiracy over.
  8. Look, I'm not arguing whether he exist or not. "Faith" or no, there is no way for you or I to know for sure. However, I believe I can honestly comment having once been a person of faith, read the bible, attended various denominations, studied on my own, got the t-shirt, etc. And I say, existing or not, supreme or not, there are too many contradictions within the bible, and not just those that are normally posted, but I mean 'God specific' contradictions. I will list a few if pressed (just too lazy to type them out, lol), but I would have to assume you either aren't as versed in The Verse as you say or are in denial. Unless a proper reply is given, of course. Trowa, don't worry. I take no offense and I hope you take none, as well. I appreciate you sharing your opinions and beliefs. Trust me when I say I'm very accepting of people's choices and beliefs and am the last one to judge somebody. Couple comments, though: I don't need that to be a good person; to make better decisions than those before me or around me. Some people do, I understand that. It gives them drive. However, that means I only view religion as a tool. Like any tool, it can be used for good and evil. Again, so we're guilty until proven innocent? And how do you decide when a child really understands God and religion? And don't the Catholics have a purgatory for the unbaptized? Oh wait, they decided that didn't exist anymore. Must've been a note from god. I'm teasing, of course. But I mean, c'mon. And then attaching "free will" to that. Holy crap. Let me lay it out how I see it. You're born guilty before you perform a single act in your life. You have the choice to accept this being into your heart, etc or you goto hell and burn in a lake of fire for eternity. Do I even need an actual analogy for this? This is your definition of free will? Remind me not to move to your country if you ever start one. Well, depends on what your major crops are.
  9. "Over 350million viewers around the world." And try not to be so negative everybody. Who knows, maybe they'll work with the original Top Gear crew, production, etc, whatever to help keep it focused. Let's just hope they have the budget and the hosts have the chemistry. Either way, it'll take some getting used to, I'm sure.
  10. ImUrOBGYN

    Evil bugs.

    The Geography cone, one of the larger species, is also known as the "cigarette snail", in the belief that the victim will have only enough time to smoke a cigarette before dying. The small species really aren't very bad at all. But that's not a bug. Nor is the dreaded Candiru. But that's a horrifying thought, too. I agree the BotFly is one the most disgusting and horrifying creations. There are alot of 'ugly' bugs, much scarier looking than those listed though some not as deadly. I really liked the commentary for them all. I'll have to make a "worse/ugliest Ohio bugs" thread soon.
  11. I'm laughing. No, really. I really am. I'll try to make this quick as it's 'clean the house day'. Real quick, I'd like to thank Thorne for his "Godly intevention" on Pandora and also making me laugh. I'm listening to Pandora right now, too, but no intervening for me. Let me sum those bible quotes up for you. Many of my family members were prosecuted for crimes they committed. (This is true.) So, I'm at fault too? Even for those crimes committed before I was born? How would you feel to be punished and know you will spend a lifetime paying for the sins of your father or mother or great grandfather and great grandmother? Utter bullshit. Where's the forgiveness? The understanding? Any LOGIC whatsoever from what is supposed to be a supreme being? Born into sin. So much for "Love the little children". Should be "Punish the little children". What else you got?
  12. lol Mega, wtf is your problem? lol I think everyone was able to figure out just what the thread intended. It was just fun to come in and tease about it. What do you care? What are you 'dry'? Was it disappointing for you to find out it wasn't for 'reefer'? BTW, this isn't in PM form because I do not have any problems.
  13. Two of my fav animal species. Ants and Cephalopods. Both amazing f'n creatures. And yes, it was a little sad they excavated the ant colony.
  14. I can get the same affect digging up a skeleton and having my way with it. And it'll have a better personality, too.
  15. I think it's funny how Christians are supposed to be humble and have no want for material items, yet they believe in pearly gates and gold streets, etc. And that's supposed to be anymore or less believable than 72 virgins? And if there are golden streets (and let's not even get into the never ending hymnal singing), I hope He has homeowner's insurance. Do you know how easy it's going to be to slip on gold streets? It's a very soft metal, too. Hmm, golden streets, pearly gates... That is some overstated taste. He's got to be Latino or Arabian.
  16. That's giving it to her slow.
  17. Thinking the same thing. I'm assuming they know if it's not just right, it'll fail. I'm hoping they understand this and aren't going to try to just ride Top Gear's coattails in. I'm also hoping they don't decide to sell out to any particular manufacturers.
  18. lmao Busted. Megaman, you twink.
  19. I'm glad I don't have 'friends' stupid enough to try this. Generally, I'm the last one to pass out but glad I wouldn't have to worry about someone taking my car out and trashing it. At least they payed for it.
  20. http://www.finalgear.com/news/2008/01/15/nbc-to-make-american-version-of-top-gear-called-gear/
  21. A bit of watch (6:37) but well worth it as it gets pretty amazing about halfway through. I've actually been lucky enough to witness 3 large supercolonies of ants of 3 different species, one of which I discovered myself and reported was built by harvester ants in a remote woods location in SE Texas. Rare for harvesters. The other supercolony was composed of imported leaf cutters which we followed a trail of them back from the house of a friend after they stripped all the bushes around his house in a night. 3rd, I can't remember the name off hand but was also in Texas. http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/139351/Excavating_a_Huge_Ant_Nest.html Amazing Deep Sea life (New one) http://static.videoegg.com/ted/flash/fullscreen.html?v=/ted/movies/DAVIDGALLO-2007&cid=/ted/movies
  22. Eh, had the a/c go out in the middle of summer in south texas.
  23. Looks more like they're waiting for him to get the hell outta the way.
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