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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. There are a few breeds of hairless. Two most common: Chinese Crested and Mexican Hairless. I want a Sphynx cat.
  2. Faces of Death was real. That was the point, different 'faces' of death. THough, there was talk that some of the scenes were set up. There was a whole series of Faces of Death.
  3. He's refering to the 'thunder bird'/Quezocaotl (sp?). Many sighting by native americans before settlers came, all the way up to more recent sighting by viable and multiple witnesses in such places as Illinois. There was even a report of one witnesses by multiple people of a large bird swooping down and actually picking up a young boy for a quite a ways before dropping him. Both his father and mother where also witness to this. This also happened in Illinois, I believe. And it looks like I was right earlier. Golden Eagle and a kid (baby goat). Eat it, bitches.
  4. Not sure if it's real but either way, that's a kid (baby goat) and what looks to be a golden eagle. Quite a bit larger than any hawk you're likely to see and I know quite capable of taking young deer, lamb, fox, etc. Wingspans are 7ft+. They've even been trained and used to hunt fox and wolf.
  5. That's sweet. I was aware of using large beetles like the stags and crickets, but didn't know this site existed. Gotta admit I used to stage little battles like these when I was a kid with scorpions, wolf spiders, praying mantises, mole crickets and the like.
  6. 3rd repost thread in a row for me. What's wrong with you guys?
  7. It's been linked to before on here. And it's not a paint job. I believe it's vinyl.
  8. Sweet, didn't know there was new one out already.
  9. Could you imagine? How many chances do you think you get in life like that?
  10. Hahaha, I'll show you a picture of my dog going through a wall later. Yes, he went through A WALL TO THE OUTSIDE. He used to have terrible seperation anxiety when he was younger.
  11. You shut up. Reading hooked on phonics and popup books does not count.
  12. Gotta go with Tilley on this one. I can wash her eyebrows off my pillow case the next day.
  13. Can I use that mod on my car? That would save a lot of weight.
  14. There was a place in Canton, but I don't know if they are still there and have no experience with them. Big, mastiff dogs. Good family dogs. Their general temperment if very much like my dog temperment. What Fila breeders call "ojeriza". Very attached to owner and suspicious of strangers. It's very strong throughout the breed. Most think just because a dog lets them pet them, they're accepted as 'friend'. This is not normally the case with this dog. Some of my friends have had a hard time understanding why he seems friendly, but not when I'm around. You're accepted while the owner is around and under suspicion the rest of the time. Good luck with the search. Temperment should be your one of the top 3 most important criterias. As with any large dog, be sure it's ancestors aren't prone to hip dysplasia and the likes.
  15. Satellite radio. Not perfect but a huge improvement over regular radio imo and quite a few others I know.
  16. There are too many things of yours to counter, Adam. So, I'll shorten it by saying you are wrong. Your lack of experience betrays you. This is all very situational, of course. Btw, I weight 300 lbs, my dog can lift me full of the ground with me laying full weight on him and my arm locked around his neck. (Which is as big if not bigger than mine.) And no, this isn't a "my dog is superman" (cuz he is ), it's just an example of the strength of the dog. A few species of dog are capable of crushing bone when they bite. See how well any of you react when you feel your and hear your bones crunch. The problem is if you can't end it quickly enough, your chance decrease exponentially. I keep hearing, "well they only have a mouth", well that's why the fucker is so strong compared to many other animals of similar and even greater size. And don't tell me they don't use their arms. Some breeds are much more inclined to use their bodies, as well. Dogs have been used in wars throughout time. Against men w/swords and freakin armor, for shit's sake! But you're a bad ass with a buck knife. Titan held a friend of mine pinned with just his front arms and strength. Large mastiff were created with the sole purpose of being able to control a man without killing them. Have you ever had to subdue someone without physically assualting them or killing them? I have. I've been a security guard, bouncer, and bodyguard, it's not easy. But dogs can do it. "They need a pack." Bullshit. Not all dog species run in packs. And even those normally inclined to, quite often rogue males will run lone and hunt for themselves. They may not take a bison down, but are quite capable of hunting game quite a bit larger than they are.
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