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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Damn, that terrible. Good luck with everything.
  2. I feel this reaction is about 10x too much for this thread. This is not a scientific measurement, however.
  3. Really? The least hair-covered thing on your body is your head. In all seriousness, that sucks, man. Good luck. Maybe, at least the end result will be worth it.
  4. WTF. How are you going to charge the bus driver with anything? I get many of us would have stepped in, but given the possible liability (both by putting himself in harm's way and the legal liability) I understand why he didn't. This is a bit outside his realm of responsibility.
  5. I love that line of reasoning.
  6. Jeff, it's still early in the day, but for so many reasons, I'm going to go ahead and put this on the top of my "Ridiculous shit I heard today" list.
  7. Showing this to my neighbor tonight. Ill let you know what he thinks.
  8. That old Firebird and white Fox move the fuck out.
  9. Neighbor is on a serious hunt for a used car in this price range. Will show him tonight.
  10. From the sounds of it, we've all pissed in it within the last month.
  11. It's in Buckeye Lake, buddy. That's The Cyanobacteria to you.
  12. Hilarious. I've physically shook my fist at someone standing in my front yard. It's too late for me... :megusta:
  13. "Ay that monster truck, sit tall as fuck, So big can’t e'en tow it, Don't like snakes, keep my grass cut, So low can't e'en mow it" Anyway, this isn't about you, Jeffro so I'll move on. Welcome Jeff (vfour). Sounds like a nice collection. Sure would be nice to see some of it, too.
  14. Right. I hate having stuff I don't use. And can this damn auction come at a worse time?! I'd so be down for this but I'm moving that day not to mention being cash-strapped due to the move. :fuuuu:
  15. Looks damn good, Alex. I think you're going to have to do my lower i/c pipe for me once I'm moved this coming month. Truth. Been using my neighbors when I can. Most recently to actually cut some i/c pipes and to rig a press for lipping same pipes.
  16. WTF?! She had a small cart with shit in it the whole time? I would've walked over there, picked it up and took it inside my fence. I mean, it's fucking alley property isn't it, bitch? And alley property is everyones property, bitch.
  17. Momentum? I don't believe the truck was running.
  18. This is how I feel, as well, only not quite so strongly. It bothers me the rear looks to Camaroish and overall, the entire design is not quite cohesive. As far as those complaining about wheel gap, (including those who complain about the FRS's wheelgap), you're only allowed to lower a car so much from factory by law. I'm betting the vette, much like the FRS, is right on that or right on top of it already. Also, does the vette in the picture have an adjustable suspension?
  19. Why did you turn?! Why did you fucking turn?!?!
  20. Use those tires; model this; pull it in circle. : http://the-list.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/sprint-car-racing.jpg
  21. It seems to be happening to a few people. Someone thought it was their phone the other day. (I'm too lazy to go back and see who all has had issues especially since I'm not... Probably will now. haha)
  22. Gets cool points from me simply for being unique and daring to be that ugly.
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