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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Or a 2ft cock, but given the choice many of us would grab a wheelbarrow and show it off to the neighbors no matter how little good it's going to actually do you. There's a lot more analogy waiting to happen here. I'll leave it to your imaginations.
  2. Just wanted to thanks to Morabu (J.R.) for coming out and taking care of my yard on short notice today. Feel free to lock this up or let it die.
  3. They're out there. For under 60k mi though, is another thing. I came so very close to picking one up recently but was worried about the cost of maintenance coming up given its milage and I ultimately nutted out.
  4. What in the fuck... haha Well, guess you gotta cover that gay redneck demographic.
  5. Looking for someone to do some mowing on the SW side of Cbus; one-time only at this time. We have company coming Friday, August 30, so it would need to be done before then. Depending on price, I may have you trim some bushes/clean it up a bit if that's within your realm. PM me with a quote and details of work to be performed. Here's my address to help with quote: 3321 Onslow Court Columbus, OH 43204
  6. Not much of a fucking suprise if you tell everyone, is it? Good thing I watched it yesterday. Quoted this for those who've posted since and those who will inevitably post a comment later along the lines of "Why wasn't xxx car included?! My vagina will swallow this post in anger!"
  7. That's gotta be horseshit. I can't imagine that standing up in court. I will add that you can get a "spectator" ticket (don't recall the exact name of the charge) as was mentioned previously. I'm not sure about Ohio exactly but I know this is possible in other places I've lived. Probably goes fuckin double for Ohio since it is Ohio and all. If all you want to do is spectate, then drive a RAV or Vibe and chill in the slow lane. haha
  8. Very nice, man. The purple's a bit purple for me but it's still a sweet little car.
  9. Damn near. That f'n body kit is hideous and completely destroys the lines of the Supra. Oh, and what giant electric razor did they pull those wheels off of?! Fucking thing must be sponsored by Norelco.
  10. Read the article: Shot in the back with a .22. I had this happen so many years ago when living in Houston back in the mid 90's. Just missed my spinal cord and my right shoulder blade. I don't think I died from it, though.
  11. lol Ignoring the fact he made a joke, I agree with you. This has already been a British TV show... Before we had TV. I think the working title was "Australia".
  12. Wow, with that front end mod it looks just like the Vibe. :lolguy:
  13. Need a sheet of plywood cut to size 64"x60". It can be two sheets or whatever as long as it'll cover the size above. Would prefer 1 or 2 pieces. It's to cover a section of fencing. Someone near the Soutwest side of Cbus but I'm open to other pickup areas depending on price. Thanks.
  14. Moved out of our duplex. Small, 2 story. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath. We did Not leave it trashed in any form either. I thought I recalled someone or someone's wife, etc who did cleaning on here or if anyone knows of anything priced gently let me know, plz.
  15. Out of curiousity, what did you expect him to do with it?
  16. Ditto. Done two fatties, too. Of course, he says his issue is just a stuck disc. Can't imagine that'd be hard to fix. Id take a look but with moving this week and school starting, like OP, my ToDo List is currently off the chart.
  17. Yeah. I'm thinking depending on the officer it could be a problem. I dunno. I mean, as long as you disclose the location of the lockbox and firearm, which you're expected to do anyway, then it shouldn't be an issue. Well, just a thought.
  18. You gotta lay off the launch control, man.
  19. Moving into a new place on Thursday. Soon as we're settled in I'm going to do my best to remember to contact you.
  20. Shit, having said that, I wonder if that would come under that new law charging people with building "hide-a-way" boxes in vehicles. I'm guessing you'd have to check into that with an actual Ohio officer of some kind.
  21. If it's so important that you carry with you in your truck, wouldn't it be possible to weld in a box to the floor under the seat (or something similar)? Obviously, I'm going for something that cannot be easily opened or removed by an asshole thief or some kind of accident.
  22. lol@ram comments. I can tell which of you probably haven't had any experience with them.
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