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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. lol And then still probably sue us (and win) for a faulty one that didn't work or blew up on them. They have a receipt, too.
  2. There's so much more than hp #'s. Not only is the info quoted below a reason but for other reasons, as well. Driver Usable hp, ie; traction, power curve/torque curve Gearing - transmission, rear end, tire size Auto vs Manual Weight of vehicles Suspension setup Whoever got the jump first helps obviously Every single thing that happens physically when you hit the gas is due to power from your car. This includes even the flex of your suspension, bushings, frame flex, motor mount/motor movement, etc. Every little bit that doesn't go to the pavement or is being used to put said power to the ground is a waste of power created by your engine. Of course, now we're getting into smaller shit. Anyway, there's just so much that goes into it. This is just off the top of my head. This is why letting someone know your hp isn't neccessarily showing all your cards. Oh, let's not forget the guy said the power was easily adjustable given the race he was in. Nice thing about boost and/or nitrous.
  3. What's fucked up is that both sides have used chemical warfare. It's just that the side we're helping is the lesser of two evils. But who's to say? I haven't been there to suss it out, exactly. Besides, it's not like history isn't repeating itself for the "umpteenth" time... As a preface to what half this thread will turn into: Please don't turn this into a lable thing, ie; democrat, republican, left, right, etc, etc. Our country has been known for this shit throughout our history, regardless of who was in charge. That being said, I'll stop being grumpy and carry on...
  4. So, is this a lab tech position or a warehouse position? You don't generally mix the two or you're likely to lose in one category or the other. There aren't too many who are actually qualified for both. I do happen to fall into that category, however. Any idea on pay, schedule, hours or approx. length of job?
  5. Since I couldn't see it, I expect that's what your car sounds like when it's winning.
  6. Welcome. I've always had the XRFruity on my list of fun "beaters" to own. By beaters, I mean a list of fun cars that I wouldn't mind owning/buying and expect to put some work into. I always thought if I owned another Mustang I'd go with the 2.3, too. Good luck with the work.
  7. Dammit. I don't usually go to BP (even tho it's 5 min away if that) but I sure coulda filled up yesterday.
  8. Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to check it out. He pm'd me this morning. Thank you. I appreciate the offer, however we're really looking for a single family home. I see multitudes of houses that fit the bill out and around that area. They're all just a little too far east and southeast for the commute. Thanks, though.
  9. My biggest concern would be becoming a 1st year tester. Let's be honest, it's the rare automobile that comes out with no issues in its first year. This being a Chrysler/Fiat product, (and this even coming from a fan of Chrysler/Fiat), I'd almost bet on it.
  10. Being a father myself and having helped raise other children, I cannot agree more with the French side of things here.
  11. This is the exact way I look/sound when I ridicule my penis during sex.
  12. Nice times. Looks like you copied a truncated version of the video link. Get the whole link up there.
  13. You don't stare at your instrument cluster the entire time you're driving? Your car isn't old enough/bad enough shape then.
  14. Perfect for existing and developing first world nations.
  15. Would it matter since they technically do have side views?
  16. That's pretty cool. Take a bit of getting used to after using side view mirrors for almost 30years. I like the sleek look without them plus it cuts down on wind noise and drag and nobody can hit the fucking things because they don't exist.
  17. I actively looked for one in trusted shape when I was car hunting a couple weeks ago. Haha Owned one for awhile back in the mid to late 90's. Fun little car. Kept up with my buddies Stealth... not saying much since it wasn't the turbo but the N/A 5sp, still. Nobody else hardly realized that. haha Almost picked this up: 2004 V70R http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/R-/281107689533?_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&forcev4exp=true I just couldn't quite get past the maintenance it would be due for with that milage. But damn did I want it bad. I agree with this. I also have a weak spot for Chrysler/Mopar. Here's another one I almost got here recently. I had to call a friend (Littleguy/Norm) and have him talk me out of it. haha 87 Shelby Charger GLHS http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1987-SHELBY-GLHS-/161026688866?_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&forcev4exp=true
  18. Very nice. Good luck. I think over the last couple days I may've reached this point with the Supra, as well.
  19. Holy... Glad everyone's ok, man.
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