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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Like anything other profession, you have your dickheads and your good guys. This guy was obviously a dickhead and now I hope he spends some time with the men who he's probably treated like shit since he worked there.
  2. Haha Right. On your tombstone they could write, "Killed by Outerspace".
  3. I was well kitted and it had been making itself too well-known around my grandfather's home. (Where he lived alone.) Besides, if I were to stop doing everything that was possibly dangerous I'd have to lock myself up in a room with no... Well, with absolutely nothing, really. I mean, that won't stop me from masturbating and possibly stroking out, pun intended, but what are you gonna do. *shrug*
  4. What's Obamacare? You guys heard of this new thing called the Affordable Healthcare Act? I wonder if they're the same.
  5. Who gives a shit? Surely, nobody gives a shit enough to start a thread about it. Wait... If you want to educate him, send him a pm, otherwise let the OP handle any "disrespect" he received in his thread. Most believe it's none of your business what you pay for something, (I'm one of those), but some people don't get it. However, starting a public thread to put the man down and disrespecting him for his lot in life seems a little hypocritical at this point. And maybe it's just me, but starting a whole new thread for the statement seems silly. Or wait... Eh, this is CR. What am I saying?
  6. Pretty awesome, sir. Now, get out there and enjoy that new convertible.
  7. Bobcats are no worry. I've not only had run-ins with them and have had them on my property (not here of course), but I knew a couple who had some as pets. They are able to cross breed with domestic cats. In this case, I received two Siamese/Bobcat crosses from them. One of them was one of the most awesome cats I've ever had, the other would never tame up. I've seen Cougar in the wild, and I've also tracked one that left fresh prints early one morning around the house and driveway at my grandfather's in Temecula, CA. Big fucker from the looks of the tracks. I followed quite far out into the desert and lost track. Whole time I kept thinking the bastard was just over a ridge watching me.
  8. Was unaware of any damage it caused. Crazy. These things are popping up all over the world at what seems like an unusually high frequency.
  9. http://io9.com/watch-the-fireball-that-exploded-over-ohio-last-night-1418328178
  10. Shit ass pit owner. As if they don't have enough bad press already.
  11. Don't forget for basic courses like English and Math you'll have to test into while any Biology/Science courses will have to be retaken if it's been more than 5 years. Of course, this all depends on what you're shooting for and it could've changed since I started back.
  12. That's why those cats are so revered. That have damn near a mystical status in South and Central America. Now, you ready for this? They've been spotted AND photographed in Mexico and Arizona in recent years. That is well within their original territory before being pushed so far south by humans. Guess they're learning from their cousins the cougar.
  13. What's wrong with CSCC? They offer plenty of online and hybrid courses and their courses are OSU equivalent, now.
  14. Yes, but will it wash out next super high tide or storm?
  15. It didn't watch the whole vid but did it mention the massive weight increase for the US spec car? The overall weight would still be very low, but the increase was still significant. Maybe ours will receive a power bump, as well.
  16. I can feel this thread coming to a head...
  17. It's too bad you can't fit that on a plate. I'm looking to still try and make it out sometime around 2-215pm for a look around. Wanna see the new ride, too, Doc.
  18. Many of them have them have federal and state removed by those who pay them but are not able to collect an income tax return like the rest of us. Again, many of them do. You forget, not all immigrants are Mexicans. Speaking of which, given opportunity, many do strive to learn the language as it only furthers their success here. It seem you may assume, like many others, that all immigrants are uneducated, when in fact, many immigrants have had excellent educations in their homelands and have taken the time to learn English but "take what they can get" when they come here.
  19. Because current immigration laws work so well... It's like the war on drugs. A waste of time. Might as well stop scaring them into hiding when they're here and integrate them into useful, contributing citizens. It's going to happen anyway.
  20. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!
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