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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. That sucks, man. Poor puppy. How'd it happen?
  2. lol I believe the European is the only hornet we have in North America. But if you think he's a biggy, you should check out the Cicada Killer wasp. If you know what a Cicada is, (that loud ass buzzing in the trees during the summer - some call them locust but a locust is basically a grasshopper), then you know they have to be quite large themselves. I'll never forget my first encounter with one. No problem. I only meant that if I hadn't known any better, ie; the OP, due to how sure a couple of you sounded on your identification, I would've been led to believe you knew 100% what it was. In this case, being wrong really doesn't matter, however in another case it may've. Even when I feel 100% sure, I'm still hesitant to tell people in cases like this. Other than that, it's just loads of practice, studying and experience. I wouldn't begin to try and distinguish all the various types of mushrooms/fungus and many of them look all too similar to me, yet I know there are many very subtle differences to the trained eye. I'll list a couple cool bug sites to check out if you'd like. I don't know if they're the best but it's a couple cool ones I've come across. http://www.whatsthatbug.com/ http://bugguide.net/node/view/15740 lol @ the grass spider and funnel web spider comment. You're absolutely right. Many people mis-id those as wolf spiders and it's even easy for many to mis-id the various funnel and grass spiders, too.
  3. I don't think you'll get an answer here. Have you considered a mediator? Look into it if you're not sure. Good luck, man.
  4. That IS NOT a wolf spider. That is a species of fishing spider, Dolomedes. I cannot be 100% sure without some time to really study the pic, but that's my first almost 100% shot. Yes, they are generally near water, but some species don't have to be. There are a ton of different varieties. Be careful mis-diagnosing creatures as you could unintentionally cause harm to someone. The fishing spider in this case doesn't pose much harm unless you have allergic reaction as someone mentioned above (but about wolf spiders). If you don't know much about them, read up a bit on wiki or watch some vids. Fascinating spiders. Many of them have amazing hunting methods. The "wasp/bee" thing is actually a common european hornet.
  5. To be honest, I'm not so sure "the rednecks" are at fault here. Obviously, we're missing out on tons of info and they do seem pretty rednecky, however, old bearded guy and clan seem upset about the camera man's pets constantly jumping over a ragged ass fence into their yard. The camera man's family admits that it's their fence, as well, therefore making them responsible for the shitty fence and their pets going in the 'redneck's' yard. The redneck family actually says they're only out their to simply fix the damn fence since obviously the camera man family hasn't. Anyway, just what I derived from the video.
  6. Guy should've at least grabbed the beer thrown at him and been like, "Fooled you, that's what I wanted anyway!" "Light beer!" Then throw it back at him.
  7. Or those close enough for me to trip.
  8. Kinda cool but for $87 and travel expenses just to have someone chase me through the woods and mud?! I mean, it's cheaper than going to Arizona and telling people my last name, but still...
  9. I know what that feels like... I wasn't robbing anybody at the time, though. I still remember standing there (I didn't fall). Everything was black and ringing for a moment and thinking, I should really fall down or something, now. haha Managed to shake it off and retaliate. The guy's face was priceless. This was a fight outside a Sonic in highschool and I was blindsided by an asshole with an aluminum bat. haha I don't knock out easily.
  10. It was a major Mexican holiday and they were conjuring chinese dragons.
  11. We've established the semantics at this point. Can we just focus on figuring out the truth, now?
  12. Say "Uh" one more time, dammit... Onto the topic at hand: I would've laughed at that letter had I received it. You've got to be kidding me.
  13. Wait, wait... So, the guy went to store, picked out a knife, purchased it, then went all stabby.
  14. I'm trying to fit some piping but I need some other couplers to test fit before I purchase the last couple things I need. Anyone around the Delaware area have any 2.5in 45degree elbow couplers for sure and any other 2.5in couplers of varying sizes/degrees that I may borrow (or buy if they're black, in good condition, and work for me). I don't think my current parts are enough to complete the piping. Thanks.
  15. Still doesn't mean he was lying about smoking that night. hahaha
  16. You want the ants out of your house? Fine. Wiping them out of your yard/area entirely is ignorant. You create an imbalance and possibly a larger problem in the longrun. Not to mention a few of the poisons mentioned are going to affect more than just the ants. If nothing else, you continously blow money and add dangerous chemicals to yard/home for a "problem" that doesn't really exist. I can go outside my home right now and find at least 4 species of ants living around it. I keep them out of things they shouldn't be in and that's it. I rarely have a problem with them in house and the trouble I go through to get rid of them I can guarantee is much less trouble than trying to poison every mound I find. Just food for thought. You don't always have to use a sledgehammer for a tiny nail.
  17. Christ... that getting to be a bit much. Gonna get a job as a bus monitor and set myself up for jokes.
  18. You should also consider if during the panic you begin returning fire, you could very easily be mistaken as the original shooter by officers or another gun-toting citizen.
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