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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Holy shit. They would never find that person again. Unless they checked my dog's shit over the following week...
  2. If you're missing still or having rough idle there's always the cps and isc to check. Hadn't seen those two mentioned, yet. (Honestly, I only glanced quickly through as I'm short on time.)
  3. Congratulations, man. Teach those little guys to always have each others back.
  4. Triples! Because that's how much she goes back for at dinner. :dumb:
  5. She's not "being fat" she's being anti-bolimic. What a brave woman taking a stand against such a rampant disease! A role model, I'd even say!
  6. I hate that interchange anyway. I generally take Old State or 257 when I can/depending on time of day and where I'm going. Not always faster but generally much less stressful. Either way, traffic's still not too bad at all compared to other cities.
  7. You fuckin' nerd... (Psst. Those are pretty neat.)
  8. Why so long? They're building sky scrapers in two hours in Dubai and Hong Kong... And the video... 2.5years to build a hallway that looks shittier than the original Doom. :gabe:
  9. You goddamn cry-baby. I'm trying to imagine you sitting at home by yourself weeping as you watch this. Thank you.
  10. "Pi Kappa Alpha is dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character and to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience." Well, they got the second part down.
  11. All those hose clamps, etc are really adding to the weight. :dumb:
  12. Haha. I've never seen such a painful attempt at taking a picture. Seriously. This chick had me cracking the hell up.
  13. Thank you. Hilarious. It's always how I felt when watching a rally. It's like anything once you've learned it and becomes second nature. (Im not saying Im at that stage, either. haha) Im not familiar with the website, etc, but I'm assuming it's kind of a joke?
  14. Wow, spoken like a truly 'advanced' species. lol You're a turd. Of course, you knew. That's why you posted it. Don't pretend otherwise. Well, you got what you wanted as I have no problem giving it when deserved. Feel better, now? Feeling manlier and in more control? You get the attention your fragile ego so constantly needs? Please, I've seen the threads you start and I know... I love how people love to pick and choose their beliefs so that it suits the chosen morality. I see you choose to shirk any responsibility as a human being when it's not suited to your choices. All those things you listed above can be easily solved witha little responsibility and care for life you share on this planet. I've lived in the deep f'n woods and I've lived in LA where the coyotes literally come into the city. I've had almost zero issues with wild animals getting in my stuff or causing issues with my pets because I take personal responsibility to minimize such occurences. Also, don't attempt to compare someone eating a hamburger and your complete rape of that animal. That's as ridiculous as you are. lol
  15. What a bunch of idiot shit. Creature had to suffer because you're too much of a fuckup to kill it properly. But wait! It probably didn't even need to die. But you have tons of experience diagnosing wild animals, Im sure. Seriously, it was too much for you to handle an animal in your trash and your best and brightest idea was your pathetic attempt at torturing and mutilating a living creature. Then, you have the troll audacity to post a thread with that title, you worthless fuck? Not everyone will agree with me here, but they're not "pests". They're living creatures trying to survive in a place where we've taken away their ability to live as intended. Stop being so self-important. They don't want to live around frightened, ignorant humans, ie; the OP, any more than you want them in your trash and shit. (BTW, properly secure your trash and it won't be a problem.) Try to be understanding people. I really cannot even understand why people need this explained to them. Oh, and leave the fucking skunks alone. Fucking A. How is it that they are hurting you or threatening you?! There has to be something mentally wrong with you. haha I have skunks around here all the time. Sometimes I photograph them, somtimes I just watch and enjoy them. Occasionally, they get a little too close to the garage opening or something and I simply shoo them away. Once, I had one chase me a short bit (I may've been too aggressive with my shooing. I laughed as I moved away. No part of me thought, oh shit, I need to kill it so I feel like I have control over some part of my life or Oh noes! It's coming to kill me! It's one thing if the animal is exhibiting obvious signs of disease, but that's what the information below is for. You shouldn't be engaging or improperly disposing of the animal if that's the case anyway. Final bit of advice: There are mulitple organizations, both public and private, who will take care of any wild animal problems you have for free. That includes ME. I'm sure I'll catch flak for this emotionally charged post. So be it.
  16. Won't load for me. If anyone else gets it to load, please copypasta if it's not too long.
  17. Ditto, here. I get these offers constantly but I'm always hesitant to switch. It's driving me crazy.
  18. Proof positive not wearing a belt is safer. :dumb:
  19. I have mixed feelings for them so they get mixed signals.
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