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Agent Orange

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Everything posted by Agent Orange

  1. Our CEO looks like Ned Flanders, so thats a plus.
  2. Thats funny you couldn't find a Pens fan until two years ago, and they couldn't give tickets away before Cindy was drafted. Only Mario stepping in saved that pitiful franchise. GO WINGS (fan since 1982 pre Yzerman, when they SUCKED)
  3. I too didn't get to introduce myself, but thank you for a tremendous event. What a great turnout as well.
  4. or the suction from his asshole puckering that kept him attached to the bike.
  5. I laughed really hard. Does that make me a bad person?
  6. You can post that every week and it'll never get old. Sweet car.
  7. I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I grew up around Toledo. If you really do have to go up there (I would mail my gift and call in sick for the wedding). You can try Jed's BBQ, there all over. Stay away from Frickers (Frickers is the same as Roosters i.e. shit). Old Navy Bistro downtown is good (there is a row of restaurants there and I can't for the life of me remember them all.
  8. For a valet, is personal hygene frowned upon, like most taxi and bus drivers?
  9. Try this place. They are normally the lowest. http://superchargers4less.com/
  10. but it's owned by an ASE Master Tech, with a seemingly rebuilt short block? Don;t they all sell for almost 15K? (read sarcasm)
  11. I really need some better pics of my junk. http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p51/drkfkr/DSC00486.jpg
  12. Not very imaginative, but stunning none the less http://www.uncrate.com/men/images/2007/08/alfa-romeo-8c-2.jpg
  13. I want to see the "highly trained" cops they spoke so highly of, be placed in that classroom situation and watch in horror as they shit the bed the same as those kids.
  14. The Dublin Arthritis show in July is featuring the fox body Mustangs this year. There should be a couple there.
  15. Jackass Number Two (get it) Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Terminator Apocalypse Now
  16. Jackie Brown (not racist) Bigger Longer,Uncut Crash Strange Brew Two Lane Blacktop
  17. I don't think it was race related. More of a God complex than anything else.
  18. Lakeview Square Corner of Sawmill and West Case Please stay away from this place. I had two cars broken into, as well as the apartment. If you do decide to live there, just remember to give them 90 days notice that you are leaving and document ANYTHING wrong. I complained about a broken window for six months and had a work order entered at least three times. The bastards charged my room mate and I $300 for replacement when we left and that was after being assured that we wouldn't be charged for it. That reminds me, I still owe them a brick through their front window. Sorry, off my soapbox now.
  19. <-----just picked up his Iphone this afternoon. FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  20. I agree that 43K is a lot, but at least an american company is building a decent car. This, along with the G8, and CTS should spark some more interest in domestics.
  21. I know, I know, just wanted to stir up the hornets nest.
  22. I was thinking the same thing. Thank god I don't have to pay for Stern's half a billion, oh wait, $2.99 per month, I think I am. He is unlistenable, and irrelevant.
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