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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE


    We agree... the earth will now explode!
  2. HAOLE


    Got any photos of Socrates, Plato, George Washington?
  3. HAOLE


    Did you ever see Ab Lincoln, Plato, George Washington, Ike, Ben Franklin? I am sure you trust they were real people, Jesus is the same, you have to have faith.
  4. HAOLE

    dream job

    Business + Other CEO/President, surveillance equipment manufacturer Financial Manager, cosmetics company ( That is funny) Sales Manager, flat-screen TVs Storage and Distribution Manager, dog/cat toy maker Industrial Production Manager, rollercoaster manufacturer
  5. There is a farm on 36 just after Sunbury that sells it to the public. I cant remember the name of it though.
  6. It seems like you are a well educated but not street smart person. You fail to realize how the banking system works. When you borrow money, you work for the bank. Your life becomes theirs, they own your labor for as long as you owe them. I would suggest you think about how the money changers work. My concerns about vaccination is not based paranoia, it is based on science and fact. If you feel like injecting your kids with thimerisol (mercury) and human diploid cells (aborted human fetus tissue), you go right ahead.
  7. This is two different topics. Are you saying I am wrong about becoming the slave to the lender?
  8. There is a big difference between buying a house on credit and buying cars on credit. One depreciates the other in most cases will appreciate. one is a necessity in life the other is a luxury. (I use the term luxury assuming you are over spending on a car when a cheap unit will provide the same function) When you become a borrower of money you become the servant of the lender. My advice is to only buy cars you pay cash for.
  9. Indentured servitude, the banks love you!
  10. Sounds like "old yeller"
  11. HAOLE

    dr rick

    I decided to focus on the office for the past 5 weeks and not screw off so much and I doubled the practice in 5 weeks. 30 new patients last month. 200 patient visits/week. My Goal by the year end is to be at 400 patients per week. ps. What is up with this "rep" indicator?
  12. Cars can be used as a weapon too. We better ban cars, they kill far more people than guns!
  13. Every situation in the bible provides life examples and exeriances of people dealing with God and what god wants from us. When people are killed in the old testament generally it is due to disobedience to God. There is nothing in Gods word that I will not let my children read. When you look at the bible, look at it through the glasses of the people for whom it was written. I see it as learning from the past, and God telling us what we are supposed to do. Many of the things your read as offensive are taken out of context with regard to the rest of the book. I post my position and I don't bend, ever! I have certain convictions in life and my standards help me uphold those convictions. I have never been a person to be wishy washy.
  14. Free coaster is old school....hahaha!!! I am getting old I remember when that was invented. BMX Plus and Freestyle had the ad in the mags. I cant remember who the rider was that promoted for them, he had a huge head of hair. Of course I remember when Stu Thompson was winning races on a Huffy too.
  15. So what if it is illegal. You as a parent should not shield your child from things. Let them try the dirty mags and the pot. It never hurt anyone, right?
  16. I am coming over tonight and I am going to stop by Thornes house to pick up a 1/4oz of pot and a few dirty mags. Lets see if you want to protect your kids from that idea.
  17. Wow. Name calling I am impressed with your intellect.
  18. We could sit here and go from book to book through the whole library of congress. It has been a long time since I read Huck Finn, so I dont know. If it takes the lords name in vein, it is out. Other wise it will be on a case by case basis. Would you let your kids read Hustler or Cherry? I would assume not. The difference is I have a much tighter line drawn than most. Nearly all parents censor, the material they censor is where we disagree.
  19. I am not sure were you are confused... Profane book = no read. It is very simple. Why should I allow my kids to read a book that takes the Lords name in vein, when I teach them hold Christ at the highest? That would be contradictory tell them to read it. I don't allow my kids to watch TV that has bad language in it, why is a book any different? This is no different that having an Atheist's kid read the book of Romans. Parents teach the kids their is no God, book of Romans says there is and he loves you. Situation is just reversed.
  20. I am getting these. http://www.hustlagrillz.com/grillz-gold-teeth-hip-hop/images/DSCN5182.jpg
  21. I never said you could not read it... I said my kids wont read it. It is always easy to criticize a moral stand, it is the path of least resistance.
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