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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Police: 7 dead in likely drag-race crash click for story
  2. HAOLE

    The Lion's Den

    Ok... I will say this. I am a "hard Core christian", but can we have a thread without it turning in to a Christian/non-Christian e-fight? The laws were passed, if you don't like it get out there and get it change, or shut up about it.
  3. HAOLE

    WTB a tv

    I got another 19 if you want it.
  4. HAOLE

    The Real Obama

    I think it needs reformed but for far different reasons than the majority. Most people think they have a "right" to free health care. The majority of the public think that Doctors should not profit from practice. M.D.'s and I will disagree on many subjects in health care, but one thing I think that we will agree on is a free market works in health care just like any other field. The advances we have in health care come out of free enterprise. If you put Uncle Sam in charge, you might as well put the brakes on.
  5. Would a 03-04 Cobra swap be possible?
  6. HAOLE

    Would You Cheat?

    Hang on boys, This question needs a little more definition. Like... Would you cheat on you wife with Cathrine Bell from Jag? That is a better question. It is easy to say no to the skank down the street, but Cathrine Bell is another story. lol
  7. Looks good! I have always liked those cars.
  8. You better hope you dont have a medical payment claim.
  9. $1800.00 for me. It will go to offset taxes owed
  10. All they are doing printing more money. Each time your dollars are worth less.
  11. +10,000,000 They pay the claims with no problem. If I send in a claim to them for $3000 I get $3000. Same claim to Allstate, if we get paid, 1k max. That is a big IF.Most times we don't get paid. So I don't take the case.
  12. HAOLE

    First Post

    Welcome aboard, nice rides. I fly Cessna 150 and 172.
  13. I just caught that on 10tv. That cop deserves to go to jail for that. Those actions are inexcusable.
  14. Good for you! When you buy insurance you expect them to pay if you need them. Allstate has a long track record of refusing to pay auto claims. most of the time they will force the issue to court, even on the medpay claims. If I see someone come into the office with Allstate for medpay or liability, I don't take the case unless they have regular health insurance or they pay cash upfront. You are better off with any other company than Allstate.
  15. Did you just graduate and get a job? My first year after graduation I worked at Big Bear on Sawmill part time in the produce department for $7.50/hr and delivered for Domino's in Hilliard on Friday and Saturday nights. It sucked!
  16. If engineering is not cutting it maybe a change of career is on order. You are either going to have to change jobs or cut expenses. No other way around it.
  17. I would recommend Carpet Plus in Mansfield if you need carpet too. They just did my new office.1k less than anywhere else.
  18. Most people can live with 1 income, they choose not too. I know there are exceptions to this like Bucks situation. For the average couple you dont need the 250K house, the two car payments, boat payment, 4 wheeler payments or any of the other payments you have. This is a situation that people get themselves into that forces them to need the two incomes. I have been there! I am in a good situation, I make enough to live in a nice home, and we live well. I took me long time to realize toys are not important. My family is more important than a fast car, boat, or any other "stuff" I think I need. To those that "need" two incomes. It is not impossible to get to the point that you only need 1 income. you just have to work at it. We had two incomes in our home at one time. We were making enough money that I was spending too much. It seemed like every month I looked at the books and I spent 10k on something, but I was not sure what it was for.
  19. Warning: This thread is NOT politically correct! Just the way I like it!
  20. Be thankful you don't live in International Falls:eek:
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