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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    Body Work

    Wow, best introduction ever!
  2. I just bought a Vizo at Walmart for my office. I am happy with it so far.
  3. Speaking of free lunch who is getting the free taco on Tuesday?
  4. Katrina! http://xavierthoughts.blogspot.com/2005/09/new-orleans-gun-grab-saga.html
  5. This year has had some silly chokes.
  6. Just gave up 97 yard punt return.....cough cough choke....
  7. I hope they don't choke like they did last year! I had people over for the Florida game last year and I wanted to go to bed after the 1st Q.
  8. I would hit up the up coming gun shows, people walk around with guns for sale, no papers! I had a Charles Daily 1911 it is a good gun, you should be able to pick up one of those for about 275-300 used.r
  9. Dont listen to these guys they are telling you wrong.... go to search Type in regedit Then delete all entires int the registry editor. That will fix it every time J/K
  10. That is the problem... this is such a hot issue most people are afraid to speak up and be labeled a racist or bigot.... I am not afraid of labels
  11. Someone get this guy a Band-Aid....his heart is bleeding!!!!
  12. My mother took that when she was dying of breast cancer. It made her sick, she did not like it at all.
  13. I did not even look at the dates!!! I thought it was a new thread!
  14. The lowest I have ever bought gar was .69/gal when I lived in St. Louis
  15. you people make me ill...$2.70 still in Mt. Vernon
  16. Unless you where like me, and one of a few white kids that grew up predominantly black schools and then the thoughts and fears of the gangsters would be real. The bottom line is every one can be offended by something. I think "we" need to grow up and quit the whole " I am a victim" thing.
  17. At least the fat lady cant get you charged with a felony and ruin your life. my.02
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