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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Just ordered two. One for me... One for the wife!
  2. Legally a child cannot own a firearm in any state in this nation. We give guns to people that have lived long enough to make their own decisions. Some people should not own guns, because they are wacko's, but we cant screen everyone.
  3. We don't give guns to children.... please play again!
  4. My biggest gripe is people like you planting a seed in my little girls head that she should be on the pill, just in case she wants to get busy.... Secondarily, it is NOT the school's responsibility to take over my parenting. Thirdly, why is that medication any different that an aspirin... got to have parental permission for that.
  5. As a parent you need to control your child, if you find out this is happening, why would you put a rubber stamp of approval on it. My children have parent and I dont want Susie's parent that have a screwed up life and little to no morals effecting my duaghters outcome in life. How is it stupid? Kind of like telling you kids it is ok to have pot in your room, but don't get high. there are only two reasons some one would be on the pill. Either you have a legit medical issue, or your currently (or getting ready to) spreading legs. BTW some women/girls get on the pill before their first sexual experience. You don't have to be currently, or in the past, sexually active to get the pill.
  6. Then the parents should take their kids to the primary care doc, not the school nurse. You got it on the second paragraph. The people that endorse this activity (schools giving out the pill), should be ok with their own little girls coming home with Johnny and heading to the bedroom. It they are not ok with that then they should not be telling my daughter that she should be doing that.
  7. Well spoken like someone that cant defend giving birth control to an 11 year old.
  8. You forgot to get get the birth control at school part.
  9. You have seen it at my house right? For you it 2500, I need to recover some of my IME losses
  10. I have a question...... Since there are those liberals on here that think this is an ok. thing to do. Do you you have kids? And if you do will you be putting them on birth control as soon as a period appears? Will you really be ok with your 11 year old spreading her legs for Johnny next door?
  11. My problem with this issue is.. Since when has it become the mandate of our schools systems to become the parent for the children? I don't think that was the original purpose of the schools. Schools are to educate, not play health care provider & parent. I will take my kid to the doc as I see fit. I don't want the schools overstepping my parental authority and going behind my back and giving my child carte blanc to become the STD factory.
  12. HAOLE

    fuck craigslist

    Got to get the table to fit the room...
  13. HAOLE

    fuck craigslist

    I will make you a good deal on a pool table. $1750 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43012
  14. 40 post in 3.5 hours... not bad. Seems like this will be a hot thread!
  15. Sure I would imagine most of us on here did, but I don't think we need Uncle Sam going around my parental authority. I will raise my kids as I see fit, and birth control in grade six is not in my parental plan
  16. I only pay 1400/yr! When he hits first grade it goes to $1800/yr
  17. Here is another reason my kids will NEVER step foot in a public school. Clicky I find it odd in America, you cant give a kid an aspirin, a chiropractic adjustment and so on, without a written note from a parent, but your kid could have birth control and abortions without you knowing. This should upset every parent!
  18. He started with an IV of Alcohol then went to the tube.
  19. Don't get any ideas. I bet this guy had a massive hangover. Click
  20. http://www.cotc.edu/Departmental/radtech/default.htm Ask and you shall recieve.....
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