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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    93.5 supra tt

    you have a good memory... It got a new short block. IPS put it in.
  2. Sound Stream was top notch back in the day.... I would venture they are as good as any other new amp out now!
  3. So let me get this straight.... When you have three guns put to your head with triggers cocked, by complete strangers, you would not consider that a bad place to live? I think every city has bad areas.. Columbus too So why dont you take your rear end out of the country and go back to the west side? I would guess you would not because it is a bad neighborhood
  4. HAOLE


    welcome aboard.... good way to make an introduction!
  5. This is the guys website: http://www.jiggaboojones.com Funny stuff on there.... Check out the bike lock section.
  6. I cant tell you how many times I saved that kids rear end. Since he is such a small guy, I was the one kept him from getting a major beat down.
  7. Sounds like someone that want to ignore reality, in an attempt to remain politically correct.
  8. HAOLE

    93.5 supra tt

    These pictures are from when I owned it. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN2230.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN2229.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN2228.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN2227.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN2226.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN2225.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN2231.jpg
  9. The best pizza in Columbus is PaPa Joe's /thread
  10. You remember the car when it was white! Ricky lived right behind me, we were best friends for years. From the time we were about 3 years old until high school. He started getting into drugs and I did not so we just drifted away. Do you still see him?
  11. The best thing that could happen to the east side from James to Hamilton and Broad to Refugee is a California style fire! As far as the Morse Rd area, it is looking like Mogadishu up there within the past 5 years. It seems that a large Somolian population has moved in to stay. I remember when I was a kid, if you lived in the Morse/161 area you seemed like you were doing well. The last time I checked the title agencies are giving away free flak jackets with each home closing
  12. QFT.... That stuff is all over Hawaii. ICE is destroying so many people it is scary!
  13. I grew up near Livingston and Yearling Rd. I went to school near Greenbriar at Eastmoor. If I go back to the old hood, I get a very short tempered with the people in the area. I cant stand it there!!! I hate drive down the street a feel that I need to keep my doors locked, in that area you better. I have had three guns pulled on me over there, lucky for me none pulled the trigger. I cant tell you how many times in my younger years I would be minding my own business and some punk starts crap because I looked at him. After he got my fist through his front teeth he got the point I would look at who ever I wanted to. That area toughened me up as a kid and young adult.
  14. QFT!!! I have said this for a while.... The Federal reserve is a scam!. The IRS is a scam! "If the American people knew tonight, exactly how the monetary and banking system worked, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Abraham Lincoln “It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” - Henry Ford
  15. Best advice yet.... Get a custom molded insert and buy cheaper boots. Boots are made for the masses not for individuals. P.s. If you want custom inserts molded I can do them for cost to CR members. They will still cost about $150.00.
  16. I am with Rotarded on this subject. Please attempt to use some sort of gramatical structure to your post. Otherwise I am going to bill you for the Imitrex I need after reading your posts. Cough... cough... Thorne too.
  17. This violate Ricks Rules of Camo. Thou shalt not wear cammo unless: 1. In the military 2. On the way to or from hunting 3. Above rules apply to automobiles too.
  18. He said easy.... Take it from me, those cars are hard to launch. They like to wheel hop bad!
  19. Pinto....BBF or 2.3 turbo Then keep 45,000 in your pocket!
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