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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. This is an interview with Kimbo about a fight with Ray Mercer. One thing that drives me up a wall is when someone ends a sentence with "You know what I'm sayin?.... I count 16 times in about 3 minutes Kimbo does this. click
  2. I just cringe when I see people drink diet soda, that is BAD stuff due to the aspartame. Here is a good article about it. Aspartame
  3. HAOLE


    Good thing I just watched it for free
  4. I had a cocker/springer mix. That dog was wacko. I had to have her put down last year due to fits of rage. She would just start attacking you if she got upset. I could not give a dog away like that so she went on her last "hunting trip"
  5. HAOLE

    I smell bacon!!!!

    I bet that would be some tough chops!!!
  6. HAOLE

    I smell bacon!!!!

    The story came straight off yahoo... I would assume it is legit.
  7. My heart goes out to the family. I could not imagine burying a son...
  8. HAOLE

    I smell bacon!!!!

    http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20070525/capt.a380d39070604b3a99b8346b8522a57c.monster_pig_aljr601.jpg?x=380&y=256&sig=JcZWByxqrkeeQHEkkQHzqA-- Take that thing to the market!!!
  9. If the dog is off the leash... will it run off. I had two of them, mine liked to run off.
  10. HAOLE

    I smell bacon!!!!

    Good point! I hope his dad was there for back up. Those pigs are MEAN!!!!
  11. I worked at the obetz hub for about 4 years in college. At any one time there is about 500,000 packages at that hub. No one is going to sort though a semi trailer to get your package... sorry
  12. click here and get the frying pan
  13. You say that because I speak the truth! You have a point about other states only to the extent that the owners policy will follow them not matter what state you are in. So if I get in a wreck in Mass.(no fault ins.) my policy does not become no fault. It remains the same as the original state. Oh yes... The old "the doctors are making too much money" argument. How many people get turned away at Walmart for not having money to pay for their groceries? You want service? pay the bill or don't come to the office. Bottom line. We are not here for charity, We have to eat , pay our bills, keep the employees paid. As far as people being over charged.... Well maybe if I did not have to spend half of my day just trying to get paid from the insurance companies, maybe I could treat more people, and the patients would not have to pay for the excess overhead. If your daughter is not insured, she is saving money overall then. A health policy with a $500 deductible will cost a family of four about $700+ per month. Pay that for three months, and that is more than $1600 she spent. That is why I have $2500 deductible per person for my family, so I save money. Three doctors? It is tonsillitis.... it is a natural reaction to fight off infection. Stop going to the Dr. for a normal function of the body. BTW. How do you have a $1600 bill for that anyhow? Did they remove them? The insured person pay a large amount of money for the insurance every month. She choose not to have insurance, so she pays more for the visits. She saves overall. In health care who makes the money? #1 Insurance #2 Drug companies $3 hospitals. The Doc's don't make that much..As a matter of fact every year we make less.
  14. They have done three for me over the years. One of them leaked but they fixed it with no problems.
  15. I was wondering why I had to go buy a wheelbarrow.
  16. I don't agree much with you but this time I do!
  17. Been a few years for me since my last street fight. Anymore I will walk away if possible because I have too much to lose with two kids. That is not to say I will just take a beating.
  18. The name of this site is ColumbusRacing.com so I think most here are concerned with Ohio laws and could care less about another state. As far as keeping claims open... The typical tactic is to low ball settle them out. I have had adjuster trick my patients into settling the claims while the patient is still under care. The adjuster tells them "here is partial payment for your claim, just sign here." " Don't worry we will cover more treatment if you need it" All the while the patient just signed the release for the claim. The insurance companies prey on the individuals that don't know the system. Your second paragraph is full of so much :bs: I am not sure where to start. You can pull that load of propaganda on the rest of the public, but it does not work on me. Remember I am in the loop, I know the games that are played on both sides. The purpose of an IME has nothing to do with protecting the insurance company. Or proving you handling all claims the same. They are there to save $$ that is the bottom line. I do IME's sometimes too.
  19. Ahhh the brain washing from the other side. First of all I cannot speak for all Dr's but I provide proper documentation for our claims, in a timely manor. Why would I not do that? I need to get paid, just like every one else. There is not as much medical fraud out there as the insurance companies want people to believe. Most of what the insurance companies say is fraud is a honest mistake on the part of the provider/biller. On top of that the insurers use that excuse to find ways to cut payments and save money. A common reason the insurance companies use is "we are trying to protect the other policy holders" :bs: :bs: The reason they are so aggressive is, they are trying to return the greatest profits for the stock holders. They could seriously care less about the policy holders. If they cared about the policy holders, they would not find every excuses in the book to get out of paying your medpay claims. Don't get me started on your peer reviews. The bottom line of your peer reviews is not to help direct care. It is to cut a bill from the provider. That is the bottom line. The patients fail to cooperate and fight the peer reviews/ Independent medical exam (IME) because they know what happens. I have done IME's I know what the pressure is from the insurance companies. When I do those exams I don't have the report already done before the patient walks in the door, like many of the Doc's do. How do I know they are prewritten? The reports from the IME Dr's look and read the same time after time. As far as the medical bills having to be paid within a certain time. I will raise the flag again. :bs: Those laws do not apply to auto policies and you know that. Here is the Anderson Cooper piece about insurance companies....
  20. HAOLE

    I Hate Bush

    Our laws are not perfect. The guy who steals a $500 tv will get about the same term. That was a very unfortunate situation with Enron et al. There will be alot more Walmart greeters due to them....
  21. fine!!!... I am taking my ball and going home.
  22. HAOLE

    I Hate Bush

    I dont think anyone has won a presidential election with 10%
  23. congress has to write the laws... president signs them or veto's them. So in fact he did not solely come up with this idea, the Dem congress had a hand in it to.
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