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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I graduated from Eastmoor in 91. We had plenty of guns in the school. No one ratted like they do today. I even had a Raven .25 I carried back in the day.
  2. If you go there you need to get a permit to camp from ODNR. When I went the place you got the permit was off of Morse Rd.
  3. Down near McConnellsville (sp?) I camped there for a week, and had a blast!
  4. Just replace them with aftermarket...
  5. Automotive or general ?
  6. You would have to try hard to break the doors. Just make sure the that you get all the screws out. The back seat will either be 2 bolts holding it in or it will just pull upwards to release. Are you sure the rears take 6.5" 's? Most cars will use 6.5" up front then 5.25"
  7. Rule number 1 in court.... Don't hack off the guy that hands out the sentence!
  8. I really thought about running for political office, until my wife said she would leave me.
  9. That is not true. The Catholic church was not the original church. The Catholic church did not begin until 300-400 years after the death of christ. Christ church was already established prior to the Catholic church. Catholics are taught that their church was the original church. Protestant church's such as Episcopal, Lutheran, Anglican church, congrationalist, ect. did split from the Catholic church. Other church's such as Baptist predate the Catholic Church. Since the other church's (ie. Baptist) follow the outline of a new testament church, they do not have a central "church" controlling the actions of the member church's, therfore they never became the powerful, worldwide entity that the Catholic Church became. I happen to know a lot about this subject because I was raised in an catholic home. In the past four years I have studied the bible, how it was written, its lexicology, and the history of the church. I have found that the catholic church has many serious doctrinal errors.
  10. Lets rephrase that and get that straight. No religion has killed or harmed more than the Catholic church. I know that is going to step on toes, but that is the truth. The Roman Catholic church has killed millions to spread Catholicism. I would read Foxes Book of Martyrs, it gives a good account of what they did to Christians in England.
  11. I am just curious where your dislike for Christians came from? Just curious..
  12. No way can a time table be kept from the public. Troop movements of that size are a massive undertaking. As soon as we start to plan a withdraw the public and terrorist will be aware of it. The intelligence from multiple countries, including the liberal mecca of France pointed to Iraq having WMD. As a matter of fact WMD materials and prohibited weapons were found...click “President Saddam Hussein has recently told the head of the Palestinian political office, Faroq al-Kaddoumi, his decision to raise the sum granted to each family of the martyrs of the Palestinian uprising to $25,000 instead of $10,000,” Tariq Aziz This may not be al-Qaeda, but the funding of terrorist is just as bad! I cannot comment on that because I did not see the interview. I stand with the President. I don't think that our country has the guts anymore to fight tough wars. The American people want a quick decisive War with no deaths on either side. WARS are tough, people die! That is the way it is. My heart goes out to all of the soldiers and their families that keep us safe. Speaking of keeping us safe, many forget that NO FURTHER attacks have occurred on our soil since the war on terror has been going on. I would venture to say that is a good aspect in a bad situation. I do not agree 100% with all of Bush's policies, with the war I am with him 100%. Kill them in the sand box, I don't want to live like the people of Israel. Fearing the next car bomb, wondering if my kids will make it home from school due to someone blowing the bus up, is not the way I want to live. For those that say that would never happen in the US, the best way to keep it from happening is to stop it before it starts. My.02
  13. Islam...it is such a peaceful religion
  14. HAOLE


    Mexican army? Oh thats right they don't need military to invade...
  15. HAOLE


    click here for the answer
  16. This is amazing! A simple "computer help needed" is going to end up in the kitchen.
  17. dude, you are going to have a heart attack someday
  18. cool! I was looking at the schedule, and I forgot you were coming. For about two days i was trying to figure out who Anthony G. is. Finally I was cutting grass and it hit me that it is you. :doh:
  19. Guys... Thanks for all the replies, you have made the best of a stressful time.
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