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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. My accounting Data (Peach Tree)... My wife did not back up the drive and the last time I did it was 4 months ago.
  2. It will not boot up at all. It just sit there and clicks
  3. My hard drive just crashed on one of my laptops. It is making a clicking sound like th gears are striped. Has anyone ever swapped platters? I WILL PAY $$$$
  4. very interesting. I think one of the comments of the people on PMS-NBC was interesting regarding wrongful death lawsuits..
  5. I had a kid that took one of my excuses and wrote down about 15 dates on the slip and turned it into the school. the truant officer shows up at my office wanting to know if it was real or not. The kid and his mom had to go to court for the truancy. I heard the Judge yelled at them about it.
  6. It is frustrating when we get people that come in to the office saying they have 10/10 pain. I tell them that 10/10 is when you get your leg cut off with a butter knife. Even I my environment I will get people that act like knuckle heads. People don't want meds from me... they want work/school excuses. They come in at 5:15 pm wanting an excuse for work. I know the shift that they work ended at 3:45. They pain was so bad it took them all day to get to the office.
  7. Click This is funny!
  8. My Dad lives out there. He has had nothing but problems with them too!
  9. HAOLE

    Wife 1.0

    That was great!
  10. That was the best I could do at the time.... I was leaving work
  11. Classic christian persecution. BTW the Bible has 66 books 43 authors and was written over 1800 years. The vast majority of th authors never met. yet there are NO mistakes and NO contradictions. Fairy tale book? :bs: This shows your COMPLETE lack of understanding of the bible principles. Facism states that one class is good and the others are bad. The Bible states that we are all the same. The only difference between us is whether we are belivers or not. Again your ignorance shines. The old testament law was used by God to show humans that we cannot possible live up to every aspect of what God wants. The old testament law showed that Christ must be relied upon. Hypocricy is human nature, we all are in some aspect. Out of those four I can only count one that actually follows the Bible and not adds to what the bible says. The funny thing is I was like you at one time. I mocked Christians. Thought that people that went to church were "Jesus Freaks". I went to MANY strip clubs in my day. I was not a "good" person. Something happened though, I finally got to a point in my life that I figured out that I did not have and never will have all the answers. I am not perfect but I try to be a decent person. I could seriously care less if you go to the clubs. What you do in you bedroom is none of my or anyone else's business. When someone blames something on the "bible thumpers" I will stand up. The liberals in America constantly push there issues of Gay marriage ect. Anyone is opposing those agenda are labeled with some derogatory name.
  12. Did you take you BP meds today? Sounds like I hit a sore spot.... or is that conviction?
  13. Good point, but if you allow the "morals are subjective" aurgument you end up with that behavior. Acutaully the bill of rights align with biblical principles well. The framers of the bill did a very good job of outlining this They were the basic laws sent through Moses to the Jews. These basic commandments have been the foundation of law in many countries predating our own. Other laws are derived from the spirit of the original ten. http://www.tencommandments.biz/supreme_court5.bmp "We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God' James Madison Like it or not someone has to be in charge. Or are you suggesting we should not have a government because the politicians are not perfect?
  14. oh here we go..... The old intolerance/racist/bigot excuse. People who like the social degradation that the US has been on since the 1960's throw that out. Intolerance.... should we tolerate NAMBLA? It always makes me laugh when someone tries to make a moral stand they are told they are intolerant, a racist, a bigot, a hate monger , an homophobe. ect The dangerous path is to allow an anything goes society. Next thing, some guy is wanting to marry his dog.
  15. may be an old joke... but still holds truth!
  16. Connector Type: 1 x HDMI input ( 19 pin HDMI Type A ) - rear ¦ 1 x SPDIF output ( TOS Link ) - rear ¦ 2 x component video input ( RCA phono x 3 ) - rear ¦ 1 x composite video/audio input ( RCA phono x 3 ) - rear ¦ 1 x audio line-in ( RCA phono x 2 ) - rear ¦ 1 x S-Video input ( 4 pin mini-DIN ) - rear
  17. Bottlefed focus has not been around for a while... he usually ends up in a e-fight.
  18. Where are the usual :leghump: 's asking for pics of the ex-girlfirend?
  19. sorry for the misrep... i was laughing to hard when I wrote that
  20. Morals are not subjective. This is the thought process that has led America and other nations down a dangerous path. With morals being subjective, you have sodomites marring, NAMBLA, and any other perverse practice that you can think of being viewed as "O.K.". If morals are subjective then are pedophiles being thrown in Jail? Why do most states have Sodomy laws? Like it or not our system of laws was based on Biblical principles. That is why the 10 commandments are engraved at the supreme court. If you want to live in a civilized country you are going to have people telling you how to live. I don't like the 65mph speed limit, but I have to observe it because someone thought it was a good idea. Your wittings suggest someone with little or no religious conviction, therefore I used the term lost with reference to the spreading of Christianity. If I am wrong please accept my apology
  21. The state has the upper hand in deciding the legality of the business. Like it or not the state regulates many types of business, including mine. The individual communities certainly still have say if they will allow a club there or not. To the lost individual, anyone trying to spread Christianity may be viewed as harping, due to your own conviction.
  22. by far this was the funniest thread in a while!! Gearhead: click the first link 360: you charge too much, cause you got too many toys in yer shop. Gearhead:You must know what you are doing cause you dont have a shop. 360: dont need a shop Gearhead: I pay to tell people to click the first link. funny stuff.... :grin2:
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