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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. This global warming is scaring me.. I am going to grab my coat and go out side to check the weather!
  2. Make sure you get altezzas for the rear! Seriously, those are good looking lights...
  3. car show..... I only took a little advantage
  4. My point was to say it takes just as much faith to believe that their is no God as it does to believe that a god exist. Atheism is a religion in its self. The only difference is that the believer of atheism holds himself to be his/her own god. Evolution is the same way. No one can prove that we came from monkeys. Even if we did come from monkeys... were did they come from. If you believe in evolution look into the flagellar motor. Without one part of the system the organism cannot function, therefore no life. Brain washing occurs all the time with our children look at the tv shows that are on telling people that it is ok to be a "Mo", daddy and daddy or mommy and mommy are ok too. my .02 Ps. We have met... you are more monkey than me
  5. Someone have a some asprin? My head hurts after reading that....
  6. I bet that house smells nice!
  7. I learned to Scuba dive in hawaii. One of the things they tell you is not to mess with the eel's
  8. So is atheism, global warming, evolution, and gay marriage being o.k. ect...
  9. I just got a video by Aaron Russo called "America... Freedom to fascism" Good video about Federal income tax and so on. I am not one of the people who refuse to file or pay tax. I will wait for the 100th monkey effect to take place then I will jump on the band wagon. The way I look at it federal income tax is more like "protection money" for the Mob. You pay= no Jail
  10. :funny: Reganomics does work, it still works every day. If you have a Job be thankful for it. The system is set up to provide "breaks" to those that own and operate businesses, and it is a good thing that it does. Otherwise many people would not have the job opportunities that they do. The advantages must be made to the business owners otherwise they will not have the incentive to employee you! America does not have many poor people here. American poor people still have a car to drive, a pre paid cell phone, color tv, a roof over their head, free medical care, and so on. Go visit a third world country come back and tell me that America has so many "poor". While I am on my stump about the "poor", maybe the "poor" should get an education, stop being lazy and take a chance in life. Since I went to school with "poor" people maybe I should have curled up into a ball and gave up on life. I did not do that because I knew that I wanted to have a better life than the others that I grew up with. I did not grow up wealthy, but I have made a good living for my family. The only thing separating the rich and the poor is the space between the ears. Social programs only act to enslave people into helplessness. Communistic ideas do not work because it takes out the natural "greediness" of humans.
  11. Dude your are going to have an aneurysm!!!!!!!1 Big breath in... count to ten 1...2...3...4...5....6...7...8....9...10.. People and companies make money in wars, since the beginning of time.That is just the way it is. I think big companies are good for the economy. They employee those that do not have the skills to own and run the companies. If Halliburton make Billions good for them, I think I will buy their stock. BTW you provide most of your own rebuttals..
  12. No other company able to provide those services on a short notice. Not all government contracts have a bidding process.
  13. Why be sad??? According to the libs they are the most evil company ever.
  14. I second that!!!!! :gay2: :funny:
  15. HAOLE

    sold my car

    You are just not right !
  16. What ever happened to the good old days when you could download thousands of songs with no worries.... Greedy musicians!!!!!1!!
  17. I got my question mostly answered.... One of the chemical that need to be used is Potassium Farricyanide. At first the name scared the crap out of me, but after research it is a fairly safe chemical. The question that I still have is related to the concentration of the Potassium Farricyanide needed to start the removal process of the silver halide.
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