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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Wow. My life has ended Johnny Bravo may not respond to me. Oh no, what shall I do. Do you seriously think I care? I am not the 22 yo kids on this board that swing your nuts thinking you are "like really cool". You don't impress me at all. Have a good day.
  2. weak statement, It wont prove either way. Did you forget the scientific method?
  3. I told you so!!!!!! http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3728/failboatlg0.jpg
  4. I can respect him for saying what he thinks.
  5. Most of the Jobs as CNC machinist are really more of a parts changer position. The programmers will make a bit more money. I would not go into that field right now. I keep good tabs on the machine industry because my father is still in it and I was too. This is not a good time to go down that road.
  6. I would not suggest that as a career right now. The US does not have much manufacturing anymore. I was a machine tool rebuilder before becoming a Chiropractor, it was a family business. My father still works in that industry, and business is not good right now.
  7. trooff I have seen a Punch 45 ( I am showing my age ) make a "1000w" amp look weak. Most of the time, you don't really need 1000w, you just need a good quality amp.
  8. That is who I was trying to think of. I buy stuff from them occasionally.
  9. That is cheaper than the gas to drive to Columbus.
  10. I made a dry ice cannon when I worked for a dry ice distributor in the south end of Columbus. For the most part it looked just like a spud gun but it had no igniter. I used a section of 4" necked down to 3" barrel. For the explosive charge I used a 20.oz bottle with dry ice nuggets/water and the projectile was a tennis ball. When it went off it sounded like a cannon. The projectile left the barrel so fast, you could only see the ball as it dropped in the distance. I took it to my brother in laws farm to shoot it, I would say it shot a 1/4 mile easy. The only problem with this design is if the bottle does not explode you need to leave the gun alone for a day or two so you don't get hurt unloading it.
  11. http://www.daveramsey.com Spend a couple of dollars and put both of you through financial peace university. CUT UP YOUR CREDIT CARDS!!!!!
  12. Because moms don't have testicles.
  13. Best wishes to you on a speedy recovery. I bet that headache is a mean one from that CSF leak.
  14. Wow, preemptive death penalty. Funny how libs don't like preemptive strikes against enemy forces, but preemptive death penalty for those that have no defense is ok. Please schedule with Johnnybravo soon.
  15. A clinical pearl from spaceghost, abortion will help lower the number of wacko transgenders. lol
  16. You guys are totally insensitive, they have rights to have kids and make sure they are screwed up for life. Now dont judge!
  17. I know it may be a bit of a drive. This guy is a friend of mine. Dr. David Dyck http://www.knoxfamilymedicine.com/index.html
  18. I got E85 yesterday for $1.26. $29 to fill my suburban, I was paying about $110 to fill it up.
  19. Not even my thread and I feel the love.
  20. Cut this guy a break, he is computer challenged and still has dial up. :grin2:
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