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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I am noticing the insurance carriers are getting a little slower to pay. Seems like they are trying to hold on to $$ a little longer. Since insurance companies put the premiums into investments, I am sure they are hurting.
  2. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57606&highlight=toy
  3. They will be following the slick Willy play book and cutting defense.
  4. sorry about the thread jack
  5. Plus paying taxes as an employee sucks. I like to buy things plasma Tvs for the office with pretax money *cough, cough, wink, wink*
  6. I will never go back to see any of the people that I went to high school with. High school was the worst 4 years of my life. I graduated from Eastmoor in 91. Where did everyone else go?
  7. Job security has always been a myth. That is why I choose not to be an employee. I would rather rely on myself. When you are an employee, you are relying on the companies ability to go out and provide you work. No thanks.
  8. Fail..... The point of your thread is to get my opinion.
  9. Wow a political thread turn religious, not started by me. who would ever guess? I say Ben and Thorne get a 3 day vacation for starting political then turning it religious.
  10. Yea, who cares about the constitution that served us well for 200+ years. It was written by people so long ago it is not relevant any longer.
  11. Another example of Thorne trying to stir up stuff
  12. .22LR Fun for the whole day for $10
  13. Ban yourself for posting a political thread!
  14. I have to agree. Although I don't think it is a great idea to smoke the stuff, we have bigger fish to fry.
  15. I was not singling you out. That is a misconception that is very common.I must have hit a sore spot with you.Sorry if you took it that way. Good luck and I wish your kids well.
  16. Fluid in the ears is supposed to be there, but continually draining. Infections are not caused by the fluid being present, it is caused by blockage in the eustachian tube not allowing the natural drainage to occur. Saying infections are caused by the fluid is like saying car accidents are caused by skid marks.
  17. http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/F/FR/FRI/fridayquizyo69/1147123775_smokey2.jpg
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