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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    Food for thought

  2. HAOLE

    Food for thought

    We need Uncle Ted involved too.
  3. HAOLE

    Food for thought

    Same lines....try again. Got anything new?
  4. HAOLE

    Food for thought

    You are starting to come around. Another 30 years and your might be an ok person
  5. HAOLE

    Food for thought

    I would rather vote for you
  6. HAOLE

    Food for thought

    Since when did Top Secret clearance become a joke?
  7. If I got one that said Dumb Cracker, I would have framed it.
  8. http://www.spectator.org/archives/2008/10/17/obama-couldnt-be-cleared I have a patient that works for the State Department doing background checks for security clearances. We were discussing Obama this morning and he told me that Obam most likely would not pass a basic security clearance for a low level job. To qoute him exactly " Obama could not get clearance to work as a janitor in the CIA". Just something to think about. Do you want to give this guy the position of the most powerful man on earth, and he possibly could not work as a CIA janitor?
  9. I did not read any of that but thank you for caring enough to write it.
  10. I did not say we should not pay any tax, we have to pay some to live in a civilized society. I don't mind paying tax as long as it is a fair flat tax. for example, no matter if you make $10000 of $10,000,000 you pay 10%. That seems fair to me.
  11. I caught that on FOX news last night. I about fell over laughing.
  12. Good for you. If more people would do that type of stuff just think how far we could go in a short period of time.
  13. I agree, but I dont want to be the one who tries that is court. I look at taxes as a stay out of jail fee. Pay the fee stay out of jail.
  14. Looks like Elite XC is out of bidness Click
  15. I wonder how many of you that "Care" so much about others actually do any giving. So who donates to charity and how much do you give? I tithe, support missionaries, support local charities like Care Net. I also do food drives to help the Salvation Army food banks.
  16. Along with being a former teamster, I worked in many union Machine shop/manufacturing facilities rebuilding and repairing machine tool equipment. So I have seen the crap that unions bring. The "you were not a member long enough to have an opinion" aurgument, is really weak. Besides I have two more years than you do, family experience means nothing. Unions of yesterday were needed, today they do NOTHING besides take the workers money and stifle business. In a union environment, the workers are pitted against management and it tends to create a hostile work environment for all. Workers that would be fired in a non-union shop are not fired because the union protects them. Just look at Ford, GM, and Rolls Royce in Mt. Vernon.
  17. That is not the only thing he lobbed while in office.
  18. Great I will be over tomorrow night for my check, and fix my family dinner too. Since it privilege for you.
  19. The purpose of me taking risk, is to make money. NOT give it to the government. The point is not if i can afford the tax, it is my money, I worked for it. I should do with it as I please, not what Obama thinks I should do with it.
  20. HAOLE

    Harlem Voters

    You dont have to act like someone from Alabama, Parsons Ave. will do just fine.
  21. I dont know, but it was funny.
  22. Start making some $$ and you my feel different.
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