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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. This post is brought to you by Obama and Kim Jung Ill
  2. Not any worse than what you loving liberals say to me. Anyhow it was meant to be funny.
  3. Obama=Communist Thorne likes Obama. Hence Thorne must like communism. Seems logical to me. That is about as good of reasoning as you use in any of your post/threads.
  4. Thorne, North Korea called and they want you to visit. BTW.... I dont endorse McCain-Pallin. Never said I did.
  5. Yep. Most are because they are smart enough to realized that out body did not happen by accident. Spend a couple hundred hours in Gross anatomy class and your views my change, as mine did. I was a raised in a catholic home, but as an adult was very "non" religious. Anatomy and Embryology is what help shape me. St. Anns- Catholic Hospital Mt. Carmel-Catholic Hospital Riverside- Methodist Hospital Barnes Jewish Hospital St. Louis Mo. Missouri Baptist Hospital St. Louis Mo Just a couple of religious hospitals off the top of my head.
  6. You assume I don't grasp it. I understand it completely. I just see the holes in evolution.
  7. I did not read any of that, but I am impressed that you took that much time to write something.
  8. I think God does want us to expand and prosper, but he did not give us lies first.
  9. -500, and it only cost us 700 billion.
  10. Through out history the minority position is generally the one that ends up being right. Just because the majority believe something does not make it right. I really don't have any use for "modern Churches" God has not changed so why would the church. Modern churches are geared to please man, not God.
  11. Creationism is NOT the same as evolution. Creationist believe: In the beginning God.... Evolutionist believe: In the beginning something came from nothing Evolution violates the first law of thermodynamics. I think you are forgetting I have sat through all of those biology classes and listen to the instructor teach about evolution. Been there done that , got the T-shirt. I have been educated in evolution, took the test and passed them, and I still see the holes in the theory.
  12. Seems like you are the one that is spewing hatred. Jesus loves you still.
  13. The church of today will have problems it is ran by humans that have error. I will give you the passages tomorrow, it is too late for me to go down that road tonight.
  14. You failed on the first line. The bible said the earth was round. Please turn in your store bought mensa card. BTW... it was the scientist that said the earth was flat.
  15. http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/overview_scientific_method2.gif As you can see from the above diagram neither young earth or old earth theories can be duplicated in an experiment. So all either one of us have is hypothesis. When some constructs an experiment that can create life from pond scum, let me know. Mark another notch in your failure column.
  16. In 14 seconds Discuss
  17. A little cut over the eye and he is not allowed to fight. I hope Seth Petruzelli can deliver on short notice.
  18. I am offering the same thing as you. Theory
  19. So who do you know that was there? That is way evolution is still a theory.
  20. HAOLE

    OJ Simpson -

    13 years to the day of the murder trial ending, someone finally got him on something.
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