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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. Did you see the pink gator shoes?
  2. So I am a squid because I think a Busa is unattractive? Homie you are so lame. Is this the first time you have disagreed with what someone else has said? Damn how sensitive does a GROWN man have to be to get mad because another man thinks a model bike is unattractive.
  3. So is everyone who thinks a Busa is unattractive a spuid? I never said the bike was not fast. I said the bike is unattractive.
  4. If it's unattractive to you that's great, you are entitled to your own opinion just like I think that BUSA is unattractive. If you are that sensitive about how your bike looks an internet forum is the last place you should be.
  5. Buy what YOU want and YOU like. The bike is unattractive to ME period.
  6. If only it looked as good as it is fast..... It's a nice fast bike, just unattractive.
  7. You want to see him run or win? He has taken the step of forming an exploratory committee so it is possible.
  8. I understand your point. Let's play devils advocate. Who is to say that they want nuclear weapons, how do you know that they do not plan to use it for the purpose that they state, which is civilian. Personally I don't think they should be allowed to have those capabilities. All I am saying is at times the US frowns down on countries for doing the same things that has or is doing.
  9. That's a good read. I guess we (USA) cannot be mad at them for developing a weapon that we have had at our disposal for twenty odd years.
  10. That is sad. I wonder what kind of disclaimer they signed or if this was mentioned in it.
  11. Lol, that is funny. I thought it was legit until that video cut in.
  12. I think there are people heading down from Ohioriders.net, would have been nice to go down just for a chance to escape the weather.
  13. My battery life is not so hot watching videos on the ipod either. Now music is a different story, it lasts a very long time.
  14. That's very hard to find. I only know of one place that was like that near campus. I think it was Jefferson Place.
  15. Stupid shit like that is the reason why I don't drive in the late night/early morning hours of New Years Eve/Day. If that is his myspace page has last online today.. If I was in his shoes and I had did that i think the last thing I would be checking is checking myspace.
  16. Ditto, I saw this on the way home from Chris's house as well yesterday morning and was wondering what happened. Sad that his passenger died..
  17. Damn, sorry to hear that. Good luck
  18. The only problem with that is most stores keep 15% if the box is opened on desktops or laptops since they have to sell it as a open box item.
  19. I have a Sony Vaio that I bought in April of 2006. It's not the top of the line model but I will look and see if I can find the manuals that came with it. If so you are welcome to use them. I know for sure that I have the box that it came in, just don't know for sure if I have the manuals.
  20. Ditto. It's not that easy to get a list of all of songs because of the way they are displayed in Itunes. You could always load up songs you have already on your computer or rip songs from cds and load them on it. It's a great price for this. I use my 30 gig Ipod everyday. It's great. I load it up with tv shows and songs. I am thinking about selling mine to get the 80 gig one. I only have about 2 gigs left.
  21. If Satan passes on them i am interested as well.
  22. That is one of the thickest chains that I have seen securing a bike. I wonder hom much it would cost to ship one here, probably an arm and a leg. It looks like it would be tough to get through. I park mine in a garage, lock the handlebars, cover it, add the security devices, and then block it in with my car. I am also looking at getting another disc lock for it. The more obstacles that are put in place the more likely that a thief will simply move on to the next bike. The only drawback to the floor anchors is the landlord aspect. I can some landlords being a dick about drilling into the ground to secure the anchor. I might go this route as well, nothing like a little extra security.
  23. It's over now. Damn you UCLA.....
  24. I'm watching it too. The BCS standings are going to get real interesting if USC loses tonight, which it looks like they are going to down by 4 pts with 1:02 left.
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