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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. Yep, this should be good. I love their BBQ sauce, it's the only one I buy.
  2. My tag is Saint Pedro614. The games I play on XLive are Rainbox Six 1 and 2, Halo 3, and Call of Duty 4. I don't play much during 2am -5 am though..
  3. This will be an interesting case regardless of the final outcome. I'll have to keep an eye on that.
  4. That's good money for summer work.
  5. What 1911 did you go with? I'm thinking about picking one up here shortly as well.
  6. I'll be in the same boat as you.... On the bike all spring and summer.
  7. Calltech, that name brings back nightmares... I have a co-worker that is working there part time and is being trained on the Verizon FIOS project.
  8. Wow, this thread took a interesting turn......
  9. That is crazy. To do something like that to a child is unforgivable.
  10. I hear alot of good things about that butcher. I tried to go there on Sunday but by the time we got there (5:30 pm) they were closed. We had to settle for porterhouse steaks from Kroger... I'm going to try and go this weekend or Monday to Carfagna's.
  11. This is news to me. I was at his house last week. He did mention that he may start selling some of his fish to a local fish store but that was about it. I am going back either this weekend or next to pick up some more fish. I am going to try and fully stock my 125 Gallon tank and also start a growout tank in either my back up 55 Gallon or 10 gallon.
  12. Yeah, Nick is a cool guy. I went to his house last Monday and picked up eight fish. He has a lot of nice colors and rare fish for sell. The best part is they are all dirt cheap, 6 bucks a fish at most for the rare breeds. The only drawback is the fish are on the small side, about an 1 inch or 2.
  13. I used https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ a few years back. I needed a temporary plan to hold me over during motorcycle riding season until my health insurance kicked in at my new job. They have a nice comparision tool there. They have long term health insurance options as well.
  14. I agree, this shit is getting old. My prayers are with the victims and their families.
  15. Has she filled out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form? Pell Grants and some college grants are given based off of this. This is the website, http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. Has you talked to anyone at the Financial Aide office of the school she wants to go to? That is a good place to start.
  16. From what I understood if it is a sale between a private seller then all you need is a government issued ID and if it a gun dealer then you have to go through the background check.
  17. Does the overheating issue only affect the non-HDMI models? Are the newer models supposed to have the newer heatsink design?
  18. Circuit City has the game on sale this week for 39.99.... Don't know how much you are looking to spend.
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