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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. You manage to sleep eventually. The second time I took the test I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep. The test is pricey though, my first test was $1,939.00 and the second one was $2,116.00. After insurance kicked in I only had to pay 360. The test is well worth the money though, it could save your life.
  2. Your physician prescribes a overnight sleep study that you go to. Before you go to sleep they hook a bunch of wires to your head, arms, legs, and chest and you fall asleep. They also hook sensors near your eyes that monitor if you fall into REM sleep. They record it through out the night. I had a sleep study last year.
  3. It will be taken back from Skybus through whatever credit card/debit card was used for the transaction whether it be Visa, Mastercard or whoever. The only people who will be out of money are people who paid by cash or check to buy airline tickets. The only way for those people to get their money is through bankruptcy court.
  4. Yep, you have to let them go with your stuff. He is no longer a threat to you if he is running away from you.
  5. Sad to say but he honestly got what he deserved from what I have read in the newspaper.
  6. Ouch... So much for going to this show this weekend, I had a few things that I wanted to check out.
  7. John, they don't call him LowBall Putty for nothing.....
  8. I have it but I have only played it once as well. I played it in versus mode against my sister and never found time to play it again. Is the story mode any good?
  9. Cool, glad that you were able to get some money back.
  10. Who do you want to give negative publicity too? Chase or Xbox Live?
  11. LMAO, I had one go off while I was in the intersection last November. My car was midway through the intersection and a car a few car lengths behind me entered the intersection and triggered the cameras. I sweated bullets for a month thinking I might get one too but I didn't.
  12. It takes a picture of the front and back of the car. It also takes video. When they mail the ticket it has a citation number and if you go to the manufacturer's website and put that in it plays the video.
  13. Yes sir! Good luck with getting a refund. What bank do you use?
  14. Independent truckers have been talking about going on strike for a long time.... Sucks that diesel is so expensive. There was a article about this in the Dispatch a week or two ago.
  15. I was looking at a Charger too. There was one at a Carmax in NC, black on black, Charger RT, navigation, fully loaded, with less than 1,000 miles on it.. I kicked my self for not checking it out sooner. I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a new car.... I am succeeding so far. Good luck on the hunt.
  16. You can run but you can't hide! LOL, yep I'll be there Saturday night.
  17. You can rent them for cheap at most ranges.
  18. He definitely pissed someone off.
  19. Quoted for truth! Free bump for a nice bike.
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