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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. I know they install gates and the access piece probably not the fence piece.
  2. What kind of fencing? chainlink? My company installs "Ameristar" type fencing, we also make gates and use controllers from Signature Controls. If its just a basic gate and chainlink I would try Signature Controls
  3. Alton.Henry@hhgregg.com tell him Suburban referred you
  4. I got this on December 10th, paying 57.91 out the door a month. blazin fast
  5. much better video https://gfycat.com/DecimalApprehensiveClumber
  6. My friend is a toxicologist at a "lab" in Michigan, it is absolutely disgusting the things he tells me they do there in terms of testing and research on dogs and chimps. He told be they "put down" hundreds every week. To sled's and clays point I wish I didnt know half of the behind the scenes stuff and how shit really works. Seeing something like this to animals definitely hits the feels harder than reading or talking about it
  7. I prefer to stay at Bethany Beach then travel to OC to see all the shenanigans.
  8. http://excel.tips.net/T002671_Highlighting_Cells_Containing_Specific_Text.html NEWER THAN EXCEL 2003: http://excelribbon.tips.net/T006235_Highlighting_Cells_Containing_Specific_Text.html
  9. checkout http://www.gotbins.com ask for Greg Tuel the owner he will take care of you. Columbus company much better than a Saudi owned one.
  10. We are arguing Mr Brad and Ms Laurens definition of an asset, cant find the answer in accounting 101 need to consult rich dad who sells books to sheep. If we are arguing how you view something I could care less, but you cant go around saying something is not an asset when it clearly is.
  11. Its called a depreciating asset always no way around it aslong as there is no debt owed and is working.
  12. so the guy with 5k properties is telling you its a liability to have a property and that its not an asset but you are a successful property investment guy with assets that are not assets because the rich dad lesson you are following says so?????? but they are assets and you have assets :dumb:
  13. wow wow wow The value does not have to appreciate for it to be an asset. If I have a house with a fair market value of 200k and I OWE the bank 100k, I have an asset/equity worth 100k. It is an asset because I can sell it at 200, give the bank 100k and im left with 100k. Please take a lesson from a book and not an oxi-clean infomercial http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/equity.asp
  14. RIP, im very sorry for your loss. I am on my first dog and I love him more than anything, I cant imagine going through the pain of losing him. 16years is amazing! I hope my dobe lives that long but I think its more like 8-9 years. 19 on a german shepard mentioned earlier is nuts!!!
  15. you might want to understand what equity and fair market value means before you say a house is not an asset
  16. They also dont have the land to develop, between that and the labor they will be building fewer houses yoy with demand rising, rates rising, inflation rising, materials getting more expensive, I dont see house prices going down any time soon let alone in 2 years.
  17. what builder do you work at?
  18. Nice im down there pretty much monthly, im behind coconut point mall
  19. there are a couple shorties at this garage near bonita springs beach. check the vw van: https://www.google.com/maps/@26.3304312,-81.8167479,3a,75y,149.44h,76.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spa7H_thoycq65tkxVCP2Kg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  20. Ill be near that dealership in 2 weeks, wonder if it will still be there..
  21. ebitda of 1 million wolf! :dumb: thats an insane amount of work to clear a mil.
  22. Check out the Donatos to McDonalds back to Grote Family deal
  23. did the blue r in the wreck have crazy colored vinyl doors wrapped?
  24. I am very happy with the Logitech MX master, the large "thumb" placeholder is magical
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