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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. y'all need to try Bumble
  2. I powder aswell. Great work. Do you have a media blaster? How do you strip the wheels?
  3. 28 HANDLE ON OIL! The barrel the oil is stored in now costs more than the oil itself. Also 60 times the cost of a barrel of Perrier sparkling water
  4. Worthington is a great town. I looked at the Colonial Hills area for awhile but at the time I could not afford the taxes. With the areas you are looking at that would be my only concern.
  5. and I was the crazy one in August/November :p:p
  6. Issues with USO and holding is the rollover fees from month to month ( backwardation, and the opposite contango ) UWTI and other leveraged etf are meant to be traded intra-day and not hold over night as there is leverage decay and daily rebalancing. With that said, I think holding the XLE ETF offers way better risk/reward, simpler, often cheaper, way to be exposed to the oil/gas sector. Now XLE sports a healthy 3.4% dividend yield. this is just my own opinion.
  7. Supplicium


    it was a tad expensive but I really liked Central Park off 23 and campus view. sneaky location to Polaris. if u are looking to rent
  8. I have a Dobie, sorry for your loss. I pray all the time that he will just pass that way.
  9. awful news, I hope you find what you are looking for. As someone with 2 dogs which Ive never had a pet before, I am dreading the inevitable
  10. do it yourself with Boytim, set house on fire, move back to civilization, and your life is saved
  11. agreed but what I am saying is this guy gets approached he tells his boss about it. I have seen cases where they will conspire together, he will accept the job take the money, ideas, clients what have you then quit turn around and go right back.
  12. x2. I have seen the double cross move before too
  13. Did you test drive the Legacy 3.6? I am really impressed with my lil bros new 3.6
  14. Im personally waiting until 10/10.50 as an entry point but for only 1-2k waiting for another .50 cents doesnt really hurt you and you are atleast in the game. I like the XLE better than USO, im stalking that one hard! Be patient and wait for the trend to turn instead of catching falling knives.
  15. anyone catch that 35 handle? :PPPPPPP
  16. HSA accounts are paired with a high deductible health plan. Annual out-of-pocket expenses (deductibles, copayments, and other amounts, but not premiums) cannot exceed $6,450 for self-only coverage and $12,900 for family coverage. check out: http://obamacarefacts.com/health-insurance/health-savings-account-hsa/
  17. not as fucked we would be if Clinton or another demo wins
  18. well that opec meeting today went well lol. Currently world is consuming 2 million less barrels then we produce, IRAN pledges to boost production up 1 million barrels a day, and Saudi's continue to boost production. USO 52 week LOW
  19. CNN now saying they guy had made connections with known terrorists via social media and was radicalized.
  20. How does the strong USD play into this? much effect?
  21. Im not salty as well I love trading stocks and talking to anyone on the other side of me is always enjoyable. Gentleman bet is fine but just for fun.. Commodities and pricing is pretty damn weird esp when you put a short timeline on it. I do have a question tho when you say pressure from other fuel sources, why wouldnt increased production with lower demand for the same fuel cause greater pressures? Cheaper oil should make less demand for NG which wouldnt support higher prices for NG right? I am seeing it everyday in the Steel industry. US production High, World production super high, foreign imports super high, demand continues to weaken, prices keep falling, scrap has almost crashed but yet we continue to produce and not cut capacity (very low atm historically). I think thats why there is a rub in oil with OPEC not adjusting production/supply correctly to what is real in the market. What happens if we have a warm winter / shorter winter this year? wondering for shits.. gun to your head, today would you be long or short gold?
  22. Yup I know where its at, I believe the price coming off the lows quickly is strictly from a short covering bounce. Goldman Sachs is calling for 20$, checkout "goldman sachs new oil order" cheap oil for the next 15 years. Also look at any chart 1m to 5 year, there hasnt been a positive uptrend worth anything, straight cliff to the downside. watch out for the dividend cuts too from all energy companies. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/20/oil-companies-brace-for-big-wave-of-debt-defaults.html http://www.goldmansachs.com/our-thinking/pages/the-new-oil-order/
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