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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. I volunteer at the Reeb center and this very case is very very common here in central ohio. Summer time is the worst time for kids because they literally depend on school to provide the meal(s) for the day. During the summer we have young kids like this all the time stop in to eat. The other day we had close to 400 come through for soup and the majority of the people were kids under 13.
  2. jesus id take all that today straight cash homie. my aunt has this issue with addiction to buying shit in person/online/over the phone w/e then just puts the box in the basement unopened. She prob has everything sold on QVC for the last 15 years unopened junk.
  3. Field & Stream Petco Tractor Supply Jacks Aquarium Menards Royal King have them local
  4. are you looking for just an alarm to go off or service that will call you/cops when your alarm is going off? I use a wireless ip cam(multiple) / dvr setup with text message alerts w/ pics and video link. On a synology media system which is similar to Canary but has media capabilities and other business/personal uses.
  5. I check these before booking direct: https://www.hipmunk.com/ https://www.google.com/flights/
  6. Supplicium


    I am a big fan of huntington, most banks nickle and dime the hell out of you which huntington does not. only other option I see would be chase but eff them more than 5/3.
  7. I had the isolator kit and even mounted that to wood and 1/2" rubber and it still was kinda crazy.
  8. yup put one on each side inbetween compressors and the tank. SMC makes good traps. If you have the isolator bracket kit I would def use it.
  9. ^^ x2 on the water traps. I would look into mounting the compressors to something then to the car, they vibrate to all hell
  10. ive been on the new "no shoes radio" lately similar style but a new fulltime station
  11. Nothing wrong with buying new, I see lots wrong with financing new or used. Interest on a already depreciating "asset" is insane when talking sound financial advice. also, remember something like 50% of americans cant cover 1k expense today, 1/3 have 0 saved for retirement, most 31-65 year olds only have 5k saved.
  12. Please contact me for any steel/metal needs. If y'all dont mind throw me some follows and likes https://www.instagram.com/suburban_steel/ http://www.houzz.com/pro/suburban-steel/suburban-steel-supply-company
  13. think about how fucked we would be if the GOP didnt stop the madness the past 10 years. we would really need our guns now.
  14. Erin Hills / Whistling Straights in Milwaukee. too many great courses and easy to get on in Michigan, NC, SC, Tenn. Closer options: Indianapolis has a bunch of cool easy to get on courses same with Kentucky. I did the pete dye trail earlier this summer : http://www.petedyegolftrail.com/
  15. any relation to whempys LAN parties back in the day?
  16. I had bags for awhile and couldn't imagine having manual valves, freezing was never an issue just put some air brake anti freeze in the tanks before winter
  17. Downtown Indy Canal Walk Circle Centre Mall Sun King Brewery Lucas Stadium There are alot of nice resturants and bars downtown. Uber everywhere you go, indy has an insane amount of drivers online, super fast and really cheap. Parking can be tough and $$$.
  18. Byers just walnut blasted my Tiguan last week, it was like $300
  19. prudential building fenway park duck tour freedom trail if you like the sam adams tour try Harpoon's
  20. I see all kinds of different military planes in and out of CMH esp in the past 2 weeks.
  21. Is there a transfer fee of like 10%? or would I receive all 22k?
  22. my dad had a 2008 535xi, he put 200k on it in 5-6 years driving columbus>louisville>indianapolis>columbus he never had any major failures or expenses. im sure maintenance and replacement parts are expensive.
  23. Agreed. I went the phony sign route with a Doberman and a DIY ip video setup with basic motion detection and sms alerts.
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