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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. traders are planting seeds now, profits will grow overtime from here. but I see barrel prices hitting 25$ and $1.50 at the pump first. We are at 10 and 11 years lows atm.
  2. ah makes alot more sense now. time to troll and unfollow thx
  3. anyone know why columbus_exotics still sucks off wiggs and company?
  4. crazy he paid out over 10 mil in hush money to keep it quite. some hooker took a pic of his meds and got straight paid out.
  5. Thats how you make it "affordable" for others
  6. Starbucks pays more money a year for employee health care, compared to all the coffee beans it buys per year. I am seeing it in my business with 75~ employees. Costs doubled year over year since Obamacare. We now have to spend a ton of money and do a bunch of "healthy" work to maintain a 1-3% increase y-o-y by staying in a preferred risk pool. Healthcare is now my #2 expense. To C-marts points: we switched to high deductible HSA accounts we raised what tobacco users pay and discount nonsmokers we proactively educated our employees about bad habits that cost money - smoking, frequent emergency room visits, etc. etc.. that is for us to stay in our preferred risk pool. The self-funded insurance is that the same as captive insurance? If you know anything about captive id like to chat.
  7. I know nothing about Subaru's.. is there a tune out for the Legacy 3.6R yet? or any parts for that matter..
  8. make sure you guys are rating the bad drivers you get. it really gets them kicked off the system quickly.
  9. doesnt get much baller then that
  10. you want to avoid the temptation of low down payment FHA loans. Put 20%+ down so there is no PMI. Paying for PMI literally gets/gives you nothing so its literally throwing money out the door. location location location and buy right meaning not unique or funky layouts or overpay for what you are getting compared to market (simple price per sq ft is a good start). gahanna/pickerington house should sell faster and hold value easier then one in the middle of lancaster. ... this is my personal opinion, I am not a pro
  11. told you that emc stock would pay off. free money today
  12. I delivered a storage container to your neighbor on the right on the last picture. GLWS clean ride!! What are you thinking next?
  13. you could look into a VPN service like ExpressVPN. Has mobile and desktop apps to change your location to 40+ countries or a dozen cities in the US.
  14. I sat next to Roman and his buddy Dennis Roady and Vitaly on a flight from ATL, they are all real nice. I watch all 3 of there vlogs when im bored. Roman has a super fat house and a new GTR. He has straight youtube money.
  15. Supplicium


    That was the initial report but I heard they are way past due in paying taxes for Ohio. Every location in Ohio I believe has been down for a month
  16. I personally know a couple of the grow site owners. All are rich as fuck and dont need another Ferrari not to mention Nick Lachey. Vote no.
  17. Everyone's situation is different. I work 50 hours M-F that pays me enough to retire early but thats not good enough for me. So I do Uber and other stuff on the side to add to my investments or for extra spending money. Here was my Saturday morning, I woke up went to SBUX for coffee, I flipped on Uber and I said if I get a ride by time I get my coffee I will work for an hour. The results: http://i60.tinypic.com/25hlfrc.jpg Pretty sure no burger flipper pulled in close to 55 in an hour or lets call it 30 for gas,tax and wear also with the option to start and stop at anypoint
  18. Ask for the express service code or service tag number. you should be able to confirm the hardware specs
  19. its not for everyone... 10k would be so easy to clear in a year not sure why hate on it. it obviously works
  20. http://drive.uber.com/oh/vehicles/ -- oHIO specific Basically if your car fits the list, you go to a authorized uber mechanic (i think i went to an NTB, list of places is on website) They do a simple glance over and sign a paper. You fillout your personal info with Uber they run a backround check, once you are cleared you come turn in your paper the mechanic signed. They give you a log in, download the app and you are off to the races. Your idea should work you can create your own company and use the p2p license or you can start a company with a fleet of cars and hire drivers that all use uber and funnel money to yourself and then you can pay the drivers what you arrange. I find people needing rides on craiglist or ill hand out biz cards to uber customers and they will hit me up on the side.
  21. If the car is Uber approved, you can setup deals outside of the Uber system, schedule a pickup then use the uber system when you pick them up to cover insurance and billing. I do this for friends or people I have met through Uber for Airport service. I drop my little brother off every Monday at 5am at the airport who lives with me, he loads up Uber that way IBM is paying me but Uber gets 20%.
  22. Last year the did NOT cover: Michigan Indiana Minnesota (3 weeks in a row) Penn State and Va Tech. Also those were the 5 games with the least amount of rushing yards
  23. That would work. I suggest synology or qnap NAS boxes. How much space are you talking? Dropbox is a great way to store your stuff, Dropbox for business is 15$ a month gets you unlimited space and 5 user access. No hardware and its always backed up. I also like https://www.barracuda.com/products/backup
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