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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. negative, I work full time and this 8 weeks is all online or else I would stop by and pwn all you n00b nuggets in Golden Tee.
  2. Same thing just happened to me but it was not over such a long period and it was only for $80. HR notified me a week in advance that they will take 80 from my up coming check and they apologized 3 times for the mistake. I thought they handled it well so it really didnt matter but in you're case $800 without notification is a different ball game.
  3. AHa I like Lou. His fucking tests are so long though!
  4. Good idea, I start my senior project in 11 weeks. My friend Ryan who has the silver mk4 built GTI, he did his senior project at the public library downtown. I am sure you know Professor Gollo, ask him he has tons of connections he setup Ryans team with the library.
  5. nice bimmer! Sure is clean for 250k+!
  6. Might not be the closest but Id go see Shanton over at the Discount Tire on Sawmill he is the best.
  7. sweet vid 200+ is just crazy.
  8. ill send this to my uncle he will probably buy it. everything is in good shape and working good right?
  9. Those pics are right by where I live. If I was in town I would have joined, next time you guys cruise over there let me know ill take my GTI out of storage. I love the BMW's I might look into a e46 white m3 in a couple of years.
  10. Insane. He put a lot of trust into those 3 guys jumping with him.
  11. Shanton you scarred the shit out of me the other night on 270, your blow off is soo loud. Wish we had more room, I had to get off at 315. (not that I had a chance)
  12. e36 track car would be amazing but on a tight budget would be tough. 240 would be nice but I think an e30 would be more enjoyable.
  13. White is too "sweet" for me.
  14. what or waffles is sure to have what you want.
  15. Supplicium


    What does Michigan have to do with this thread?
  16. Yeah I got my CCNA June 2004. I am pretty sure it expired recently Ill have to find my card. I started into the CCNP 1 book and lost interest. I am hoping to get back in it after I graduate in April and renew my CCNA and work on the CCNP classes.
  17. Same exact thing happened to my best friends girlfriend. We were chillin on the computer and she checked her statement and it said 500 cash was withdrawal from an ATM in Chicago. She quickly looked for her card and she found it. She called the bank and they credited her account no questions asked. She had the money back within an hour. It seemed almost to easy but that what happened. Good Luck getting you money back.
  18. Supplicium


    Make sure you all vote tomorrow, I dont care what you vote for but make sure you do it. :woowoo:
  19. Yeah I am glad I stayed away from the spread. I took Pats ML and the under. I made out better with the Lions and Vikings, Lions -2.5 Thanks for the dono, Vikings +7.5, Thanks again. It's the first time in awhile for me to do well both in NFL and NCAA in the same weekend.
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