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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. Supplicium


    You should see what TDI owners pay for service.
  2. Also, I think the main reason why it is not legal is because the government knows it is easy as hell to grow your own pot so if its legal people will just grow for themselves and the govt will miss out on the tax money.
  3. Completely agree! I also know many people that have successful careers who smoke pot among other drugs and keep a normal lifestyle. It is all about keeping shit under control. Abuse is when problems start not matter what substance it is.
  4. They dont fit, mkv use 5x112, I want to put them on my 02 Jetta.
  5. Only thing I could come up with that is not even relevant is other power house teams won 50+ to < 6, OSU only put up 38 to a team that lost by 30 to a worse App St team last year. Thats all I can think of, maybe he saw something we all didnt.
  6. Nice GLI! More the VW's the better! Oh yeah. Dibs on your RC's if you ever decide to get some different wheels.
  7. hit me up on AIM and ill tell you all you need.
  8. They did not have any timeouts left. It was the right play. Why scramble to make a go ahead FG.
  9. Agreed. It should be treated like alcohol (21 and up / no driving while under the influence) and taxed like cigs. Off topic: I strongly disagree with the Cigar Tax trying to get passed. 2000% increase will destroy the industry.
  10. Keep the bold going. Undefeated in the Big Ten. You know the conference the 2 teams are in, an usually play about 8 teams from the conference each year.. Winner of the Big Ten got a bid to the Rose Bowl last year. This year I am not sure but Michigan season is not over unless they lose a Big Ten Team.
  11. It is true but that HS team beat Youngstown St by 30ish last year I believe. I am a Big Ten fan, and very disappointed in Mich. Carr should be fired by Monday. I just hope both OSU and Mich are undefeated in the Big Ten so the big rivalry game will still be for a bid to a BCS game. Oh well, thats why they play the game. Oh yeah thx ND, Ga Tech Pick @ Even was a donation to my wallet.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctMttBpoE3g shows you how
  13. You have to use a palette of primitives, the library of pre-selected shapes in the paint section. You have to layer the shapes on top of each other. Its pretty hard and takes a ton of time to make it look good. There are some insane paint jobs out there!
  14. Im going to SEMA this year, if you guys get a spot let me know Id like to check it out.
  15. I get: Eurotuner European Car Automobile All offer what you are looking for and great reads!
  16. Thanks for the update. Ive still been using IPcop. I think it's time for me to upgrade and use this!
  17. - Meet Jimi Hendrix - Meet Bob Marley - Respawn Tupac - Bring back Chris Farley - Bring back Kurt Cobain - Marry Marrisa Miller and Brooke Burke - Make Marijuana legal and have the largest herb farm - Stay in my 20's forever - Have my Grandma come back forever - Never have to work and have all the things and happiness I wanted
  18. There is about 5 running around NA. I see them all the time. I saw the orange and black version out in gahanna. i also saw the green and black one get delivered to Byers Imports. Top 10 best lookin car of all time.
  19. really cool pics. I'd like to get a nice camera and start to learn. what $ range would a nice setup cost or a beginner?
  20. ROFL. You asked a question on a forum and I gave you my opinion. If you didnt want it ask the question including "Dont tell me not to do it." My car is built as a daily driver. GTI 25k, Turboback 1100, chip 600, coilover 1200, rear sway 200, dv 250, cai 200. I'd say its a decent setup for what I want. Smart people, key word smart spend money when they have it. If you are thinking about modding your rex to be fast is a priority with paying off bills good luck ever upgrading your car or getting out of the apartment you're in. You need to chill out, I dont care if you're rex or you're wifes car is faster. With your my car's faster than yours so you must not know what your talking about bs of an excuse is erroneous. I dont think Jamie got where he did buy working at Mickie D's for 4 weeks to get where he is at. Take a lesson from him. Be smart, wait till you have the money. If you dont like it, I really dont care. No I wont blow you, thats not very straight. You'll be chasing money you're whole life, you might need to learn how to give a good blowjob with your spending habits chasing money self.
  21. Supplicium


    When I go, I stay at the Renaissance or the Ritz. Those are probably the best in the downtown area aswell.
  22. Yeah. Wait till you can afford it or stop being poor.
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