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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. yea even with his issues I am surprised u beat him from a dig. when I "tried to keep up" with him and jeff from 40 he stayed with jeff fairly close to him while I was 1/8mi and 50mph behind lol.
  2. How bout you go 0-100 and ill go 50-100 . I watched craig (I think) and jeff in the evo do some 40 rolls, I bet you and the TT would be a good race.
  3. Graham's new Green one is sitting at his mom's house right now.
  4. http://www.g35turbo.com/
  5. I believe Volvo sends owners in the club special badges for their car. Also there are VW rabbit diesels around that mileage. I actually think the highest mileage one was found in Columbus by some old guy. VW/Byers gave him a courtesy v10 tt tourag.
  6. I cannot find a decent tutorial. Can anyone locally downgrade a 3.71 psp to a custom firmware for me? beer for you!
  7. take a look at this link, this calculator is missing a few variable but gets the main point across. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/10/business/2007_BUYRENT_GRAPHIC.html?_r=3&ei=5070&en=5d50496ada0f2438&ex=1178942400&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&adxnnlx=1190337317-FTRBbN6moQeLQED4NwNbWQ&oref=slogin&oref=slogin
  8. I'd thank god. Now if Hillary became president Id move to either Italy, Amsterdam or the Cayman Islands within 24 hours.
  9. Easiest way is to rip the audio from the DVD into AAC or mp3 then manually go through and chop up the file into individual songs and rename the files. What dvd is it? I can look it up and see if the audio is already ripped on the sites I visit.
  10. Honestly how is Hillary a 2 to 1 favorite in Vegas?
  11. First thing when I get off the plane in Vegas is hit the oxy bar in the airport then hit them up throughout the week. I like them.
  12. Do you think any of my friends are attractive?
  13. Supplicium


    Crown is my drank
  14. turbospec29 has a nice collection of them
  15. Supplicium


    Lowenbrau and a lil Forza 2 w/ my buddy.
  16. my prayers go out to him and his family. sad day for the sport!
  17. does your buddy go to devry?
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