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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. Garry I may have you build me my R32BT in the next couple of years. Another Free Bump for a good guy.
  2. Garry was this off your 1.8t? Please say your not going bigger, or was this supposed to be on your BT VR6?
  3. lol me too by 8mph rofl. Nice slip congrats.
  4. i went my first time for Halloween / 21st bday. all i can say is go to the voo doo lounge at rio on halloween or the Palms( dont go if you wifey is with you lol if u go to the palms)
  5. I love traveling and I am actually looking for your type of job next year after I graduate. My plan is to find a high paying job with tons of travel for the next 2 years then start settling down.
  6. I get frequent visitor discounts 69 a night weekday and 89 a night on the weekends for both harrahs and mgm casinos. Book directly with the hotel your staying at if you have a players card if you dont have one book through expedia, i usually do 3 nights at TI, direct flight to vegas and comes out to like 600 bucks from expedia but usually booking direct with specials might save you 1-2 hundred.
  7. How is Detroit and Youngstown not on the list?
  8. I was at Byers on Monday and a truck dropped off a totaled 997 turbo. very sad, it was covered in mud and all 4 corners were smashed in.
  9. Hehe I almost went up to a WCG qualifier with you. I believe it was with "Criptify". Are you guys still together? I just left Endemix and looking for a main team. pm me sometime.
  10. Ive met you before I think. Do you play CS?
  11. I love iggys, wish I could pick it up but I have to wait till I get my new place. Your iggy looks to be in perfect health!
  12. Ill go to the next one if 1.6 is played.
  13. welcome, ive seen you drivin around b4.
  14. I was going to pick this turbo up from you, glad I didnt now. Like shanton said 20valver has been kinda sketch b4 from what ive read.
  15. rofl. good luck in the "real world". Seriously.
  16. double posting I OWN ALL OF YOU! seriously dont talk, let the cars do the talking when they are lined up.
  17. ohhh thats what inside an S2000.
  18. Supplicium

    270 today

    as of 1pm I just went through there and there was 3 cars pulled over and a 4th cop gunning.
  19. exactly, all these tards complaining want to buy cars for cheaper than what dealers paid for. Wouldnt you sell your 9k worth car for 15k if you could?
  20. Question is will there be CS 1.6 there? I went to whempys like 4 years ago and owned everyone then other times kids refused to play cs then my friends got thrown out for "cheating" I havent been back since.
  21. He promised Lindy big time money. But got picked 22nd. He is holding out hoping Cleveland will pay him more than he should which they will. No other team will though he's stayin in Cleveland.
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