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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. Just picked mine up yesterday and put it together. Damn good deal for 49 bucks! This weekend Im building a workbench with a couple shelfs and attaching the unit to that. Ill probably throw some lockable wheels so I can move it around!
  2. Supplicium


    new thread time? set a date and create a poll for place, vote and lets dooo it.
  3. depending on the offset does anyone know where I can get some 5x120 to 5x112 adapters?
  4. and the offset please, if these wont fit my GTI i might get these and throw them on my moms 5 series.
  5. 04 vw r32 with an HPA twin turbo setup 05 bmw m3 bmw 335i
  6. I completely agree, there has to be a line and we are getting to that point. But you cannot say we've wasted lives. Or government has its problems just like any other country's. But it could sure as hell be worse. Again, I am not completly one sided. I agree with somethings and there are somethings I dont agree with. I believe we should have some presence in places, like someone posted earlier its either us be there or someone else would be there (like china). Again, this is way the USA is great I have my opinion and others have there own. We cant go back and change what has already happened. Bush may have lied, we probably could have avoided a war but at the time the decision was made by a very large group of people. These threats of terror are real and we have to deal with them.. 3 hour security waits at the airport are part of live now. Im willing to deal with it, what is your plan to deal with it? Wait for another attack then think about it?
  7. I didnt really want to discuss rep vs dem or bush. cause no matter who the president is there will always be haters and followers. personally I feel more safe in terms of homeland security atm. if all our troops were back home im not sure If i would feel as "safe".
  8. I would have to agree with you.
  9. I know we'ver argued over and over again about the war and politics and what not. Ive been watching alot of CNN and MSNBC recently and it is interesting when they talk about the war and homeland security. While this past week after hearing about these new London plots and whatnot got me thinking so heres my thoughts and some questions for you. First off, I like our President, I dont like that we are in war but I believe we have to be. With that said, (This is mainly for people that dont agreed with me) What if a plot with tons of evidence including bombs, explosives etc etc was found in say Boston, NYC and LA. Would that be enough justification for you to be behind the President in his views on the War on Terror and the need to spends billions on homeland security? If that isnt enough for you, would another 9/11 like attack be enough? I am just trying to figure out what the line is for certain people for my own curosity.
  10. But that would be too easy.
  11. x2 but throw class in there somewhere.
  12. I wouldnt say it rocks. My friend let me borrow his for a day, it is a cool product and great idea but the software is very very rough. I know this will be fixed over time with updates, but I will be waiting for the 2nd gen piece when it ever comes out. During my 24hours of testing 1 out of 5 calls over 5minutes were successful, the rest would drop at some point... May be the provider may be the phone who knows. Like listed in the above posts this phone is missing tons and tons of features that have been on cellphones for years now. For the price these features have to be a must have on a phone with the price tag it has.
  13. yay right on, I know its not worth anything close to that, I would def throw in cash too.
  14. How decent of a laptop? I got a Sony Vaio thats about 5 years old, 1ghz 256mb 20gbISH HD.
  15. ahah holy shit is right.
  16. saw the porsche out in your driveway earlier. I left a white substance on the driveway, id stay clear of it.
  17. agree with everything above, even though the data plan is expensive it works the best in my experiences. Ive used Verizons and Cingulars, SPrint/Nextels data worked the best for me.
  18. Every day I am figuring out marriage can wait for aslong as possible.
  19. yeah looks like rain but i'd be down for goin to a bar. Classics by tuttle? Classics in westerville, QSL, BW3's, hooters etc etc
  20. exactly, who knows the cop could have asked them nicely 10 times to leave before the video tape started rolling. A kid could have made a threat who knows... It does look like the cop was out of line but that video doesnt tell the whole story, still reguardless I dont think that type of force was nessary.
  21. "comes with" is what got him.
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