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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Its a picture... should I have drawn more muscles on him? Maybe like this... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_XaLkUuXSKNI/TAKt6vVPdVI/AAAAAAAAACA/_qG9svDo2ec/s1600-R/juggernaut-marvel.jpg :fuckyeah: :fuckyeah: :lolguy:
  2. Sorry, just now reading this. Poll added.
  3. V8 Beast

    Hals Kitchen

    http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/hells_kitchen-1-2.jpg :fuckyeah:
  4. OP, as said repeatedly... Unless this car is only trailered to car shows I would avoid polishing the engine. There are plenty other parts of the car you can put a nice shine to. On a side note, would this be good to do once every few years to help avoid rust builldup in the nooks and crannies? Not the all out polish but the walnut shell blast?
  5. False. For every 3 helpful people there are 1.453 shitheads causing fights.
  6. Ive seen a lot of people I haven't met.. wanna race?
  7. Truth = There are people here whose posts are more of an eye sore than any misspelled word or punctuation error I have ever seen... I really like this new guy. Comes out the gate with a call out.. in before the nova guy starts an Oven thread over the weekend.
  8. Who's Cody? Is there someone in my house? Was he the one whistling????
  9. I expressed myself last night :fuckyeah:
  10. 2am... awake.... need to express myself... its either cr or the strip club... Im out of ones... :fa:
  11. Being woken up by 60mph winds whisling between houses isnt fun
  12. I'm going to put them up here tomorrow for $175 tomorrow
  13. Thanks Derek P.S. shitting in an admins thread is like pissing on a cops shoe.
  14. Welcome, we would be more than happy to have you at our events... if the entire season isnt rained out
  15. I was going to put my old wheels up for sale but one of them is bent. Is this wheel safe to use? The bend is very slight (more like warped), but if its already started will it be easy for a pothole to finish the job? I dont want to sell them if they are not safe to use. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0234.jpg
  16. Think its fun now.. after a few suspension mods that thing will be on rails
  17. Got a new miata :megusta: Time to hit up the freeways for some fun :masturboy: 10.8 0-60mph :fuuuu: Heads home upset and defeated :fa: Fixes a bowl of Crunch Berries while thinking about the mods it should have Successfully eats all the yellow things and none of the berries :fuckyeah: Life is good again :lolguy:
  18. I bet most of the people on the list could come up with $2000 over a month. The question is can they live without the 4 tv's, cell phones, computers, and xboxes they would have to sell to make it.
  19. I'm a friend, I feel special :masturboy:
  20. V8 Beast


    I want to say thank you for being honest. This is not the right place for you now but it could be somewhere down the road like Tina said. On a personal note you should look deep into the actions that caused you to lose 3 years of your life. Learn from it and do everything in your power to never let it happen again. I would typically say no one has a right to judge you however this area was made to judge people You gave us all the info and we judged you based on that. Your lack of remorse for your actions have lead us to believe this site is not a good fit for you. Your account will be deleted later tonight.
  21. V8 Beast


    I dont think we should tell our new members to be anyone but themselves when they first post. I want to know the real person not some made up persona to get acess to the site.
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