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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. No, your balls are too smooth to cause any kind of interference.
  2. Put a booth on the side of the road passing out timeslips and I'm good!
  3. at all you bastards I need somewhere to race my car in the morning as my afternoons and nights are spoken for for eternity.
  4. V8 Beast


    When people read your post not a fuck is given. P.S. I wont be there either :gabe:
  5. Its been assumed for years that they cause cancer. Scientifically accepted and assumed are kinda different.
  6. V8 Beast


    Freshly back from a family trip like a bauce. I might go out again tonight, but for 4 minutes.
  7. My wifes grandfather was a Navy Seal. They did in fact train using water torture but stopped because of the impact it had on them. It was considered one of the most uncomfortable things they had to deal with and the higher ups stopped due to many voicing concerns around it. The bottom line though is it worked on them too. Maybe not in 5 seconds but there is no time limit to how long they can do this to you in real life. P.S. that was about 40 years ago.. they are doing it to them again today along with much much worse forms of practice torture. Electric shock while being hung upside down and waterboarded anyone?
  8. I need to find a new line of work
  9. Cell phones have been found to be as deadly as exhaust fumes. So which cancer will be better... Android cancer or iPhone cancer? http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/05/31/who.cell.phones/index.html
  10. Any other sites or clubs have any 1/4 private rentals coming up in the next month or so?
  11. V8 Beast


    No love to the insane guy screaming and using foul language while eating a fruit cup?
  12. V8 Beast


    Staying home.. I'm too fucking crazy to go out in public.
  13. V8 Beast

    Verizon help?

    Got a thunderbolt for sale for 350....
  14. V8 Beast


    I have no comeback. So Im not going to reply ...shit. I think I just replied saying I wasnt going to reply while I was replying to not replying.
  15. V8 Beast


    http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1740972 :fuckyeah:
  16. V8 Beast


    Oh and these too... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1740954
  17. V8 Beast


    Found my thread http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88492& Good read
  18. V8 Beast


    I'd rather ban people
  19. V8 Beast


    Fuck.. I've got to ban everyone
  20. V8 Beast


    This is like someone sharing recipies in the middle of a gun fight. Move it you two! There is some serious shyt going down here!!!!
  21. V8 Beast


    I have to be profressional from time to time.. its the red letters (see my name.. yup... thats a shade of red) and my over-sized penis that leads to me not overcompensating like Hal. Trust me, if my brown slinky couldnt walk down the stairs I would have cussed you out.
  22. V8 Beast


    He's at an age where he can be held responsible for his own actions. He's also old enough to drive cars and learn about them. We typically dont let the "kids" on here but every now and then one joins up. Yup.. read that in the thread. Last time someone got in my car I handed them the keys. They were happy and I made a friend. That's how we do it in Columbus. Pm a mod, admin, or report a post. Banning people is usually done for good reasons. Being annoying isn't a good enough reason to ban people. If it were I would be banned myself when I go on my post sprees. Flaming is part of the CR way. If done right is can be very entertaining. The problem is excessive amounts of fail are found way too often these days. Its a forum, dont take it so seriously. You're too new to get a good feel for the way things work ...and its too much to explain. Be patient grasshopper and you will soon learn the way. Until then stop putting a bulls-eye on your back by questioning our dysfunctional ways. Ok.
  23. http://www.superiorpics.com/pictures2/Xzibit_AG035.jpg
  24. I dont know if that was a spare or if the last rim is still on lay-a-way.
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