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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. In trying to work out a way to buy the Aviator Chris is selling I stumbled across this... http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_20110521_173911.jpg Just hit 100k miles, pearl white, $9k and to top things off they gave me $5200 for the stratus. This is the second vehicle I have purchased from Jim Keim in the last year and they have came through each time with flying colors. It really sucks that I couldn't get the one listed here (especially since it has the DVD and navi) but beggars cant be choosers. My year long search for an suv is finally over.
  2. The end looks a lot like yesterday, but with todays characteristics.
  3. You are no fun... I'm sitting at my computer in full body armor ready for an ebattle before I go to the gym.
  4. I highlighted my posts since you obviously didnt read them. I defended SWAT as a whole, not the people in this situation. Short and simple not all SWAT are bad. They have a high level of stress that can lead to mess ups. Its not ok to fuck up (thats why they are called fuck ups) and the people that do mess up deserve whats coming to them. Just dont try to judge everyone on others mistakes. Just in case I wasnt clear in my previous posts I ended my last one with, "The guys that screwed up deserve the backlash, not everyone wearing the uniform." I cant make it any more clear than that.
  5. Lawyer got face time, media is eating it up, she will be rich as hell. 60 shots.. wow
  6. Thank you Edit: Damn dude! Those m-fers are no joke! Nothing like the gangs I've seen.
  7. I'm going to tell you a little story. My cousin is in the Army. Similar to SWAT he works with special units that get their hands dirty often. He has several responsibilities, one of which involves tank operation and artillery on the front lines. The tank has nothing to do with this situation but I have always found it cool that he gets paid to blow up shit. Ok, back to the story... Fighting overseas is something he does by choice and has chosen to re-enlist on several occasions. None of this was to fulfill his need to be the alpha male. It was to protect other soldiers because he has the training and expertise to possibly make sure another soldier makes it home safe. A self proclaimed nerd, he can breach your house and take you out with his hands or shoot your face off from a couple hundred yards. This is in no way to show off, not to be top dog, its just to be in a position to help others if needed. I bring him up because he is basically SWAT. The only difference is he's kicking down foreign doors. If you go deeper into it you will find most do it to help others. Its selfless not selfish. I'm not going to be ignorant and say none of them are as you explained. I'm also not going to say they are all great stand up people. What I will say is they are all individuals that are/were good enough to be considered elite. They risk their lives all the time to try and make a better place for us. It offends me when people like you look down their nose at the entire group. The guys that screwed up deserve the backlash, not everyone wearing the uniform.
  8. Fuck... being awesome just plummeted in the stock market
  9. I think you missed my point. Messing up is part of being human. If you expect perfection in the line of fire you watch too much tv. Actually they do expect perfection.. I bet that guy is being ripped a new one.
  10. Can you please stop dodging my question rookie....
  11. I'm sure they all passed the training and appeared competent before this happened. If they didnt their history will become public knowledge quickly with the right lawyer.
  12. I was joking bub . As you know many of us have the available income to make/buy 8/9 second cars but have other hobbies. Having a fast car isnt as fun as it used to be... still fun just not dropping $10k into it fun. I'm having more fun working on my house and playing with my kids. :megusta: Sorry Igor, CR has been diagnosed with A.D.D. There will probably be 3 more topics that come up before this thread closes. I tried to stop posting... I really did
  13. The line of work they are in is high stress. These are still individuals and as such there is room for human error. You could find hundreds of thousands of these types of situations.. however on the other hand you could find trillions of successful reports. When your job is to be called in during high risk situations you are going to have more casualties. You cant group the entire department based off of a handful of mistakes. Many departments have SWAT teams and many of those members have unblemished records. It really is a shame that the mistakes happen, there are also many cases when better judgment should have been shown.. but dont let these few brand the majority. I know you probably haven't had a chance to respond yet but I am genuinely curious about the gang question.
  14. Joe, CR has adopted hazing as a way to welcome our new members. You are taking this personal when the posts are empty jabs. Like you said, no one is blowing apex seals. Its just an empty jab based off the history of the motor. Its the same way people ask trans am and camaro drivers if they have swapped out their faulty 10 bolt. The same way DSM drivers are asked about crank walk. Its happened in hundreds of other threads and has been discussed as a stupid way to welcome members for a while. What we have decided is as long as its not overly maliscious we will allow current members to haze new members. You may not like it (I cant say I do either) but thats our way of life here. We understand where you are coming from, now lets get back to this being an intro thread and focus on the OP.
  15. I guess you and Tim can share it. I'm kinda curious to see your response.
  16. Your post made me curious as to what you posted previously.... What gang members do you know that have a strong enough work ethic to go through and complete boot camp? I know people that have turned their life around THEN joined the military. The lazy bastards I knew/know spend their time playing video games, selling drugs, and standing around being super hardcore. Not running around the globe recruiting new members. I'm curious to know why you said this.
  17. I thought this was an intro thread P.S. Dont hate because my 10 year old outdated car will out perform yours
  18. Thought about it but I have a limit and it would take it under that. Ill just wait and save up.
  19. The personal loan route isnt that much higher on the interst rate.. thanks for the heads up!
  20. I am laughing my ass off at some of these posts. The one liners in here are awesome. Thread approved
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