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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I took a picture of a homeless guy taking a shit on a dorito.
  2. I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I am not a Liberal nor am I a Conservative... I am an American.
  3. Its like there is some secret code I need to know to drop a load...
  4. I can get away with stupid posts because I'm not some piece of shit nube. Now do us a favor and shove whatever form of internet you are using up your rear opening and complete a tandem jump with zfag from a high enough point to end your existence.
  5. Nope... Hope you didn't get a lemon. You only have 14 days to get a new one so don't wait to find out what's going on.
  6. Dependable and idiot soccer mom proof.
  7. Steve, I got a house sitter and saved a few hundred dollars by not having to get a place to watch my dogs This is my first real vacation in like 7 years.
  8. Definitely a mid day charge phone. The bionic is said to be worse than this phone for battery life.
  9. Brian Carter likes your post
  10. Sitting in the hot tub at a house in Marco Island drinking a beer and watching March Madness.
  11. P.S. Verizon themselves when talking about it say its not as fast as the LTE in other countries. If you want to know how they can call it LTE google has your answer.
  12. Verizon is around 12 down 5 up on average and spint is 6 down and less than 1 up
  13. The data on the phone itself is still unlimited and cant be changed without causing an adverse change. I'm talking about the wireless tethering thats free on promotion right now. It'll be billed seperately in the future. I also take back not doing it as one game of cod was like 20mb. You could pay $20 for 2gb of tether and play plenty of games (after the promo ends). I thought xbox streamed more data than that.
  14. I put in my droid 1 numbers for comparison Droid 1 best after 10 attempts 1.43 down, .44 upload Average 1.17 down .32 up Thunderbolt best after 10 attempts 17.46 down 45.45 up Average 14.5 down 38.1 up These phones are not going to be discounted anymore than they already are. I tried...
  15. On its way. Waiting for my son to finish some goofy game he downloaded.
  16. The speed of this thing is crazy! To put it into perspective I used the hot spot data connection to play a game of call of duty. I ended up going 32 and 9 with 3 bars to full connection the entire game. You know its legit when you can play xbox live and get a better connection than time warner offers at this time of day! I wouldnt suggest doing it as my company pays my bill, but it was a fun test. From a phone and feature standpoint its a good phone. I'm not going to say its a game changer as far as being a cell phone because phone makers are running the well dry. This phone does what your android did before but at a faster speed. My only criticism right now is the display could be better. It doesnt "pop" like an iphone or galaxy s phone. You get your basic 24 - 48 hours of battery life and have to charge mid day if you stream or surf the web. I would suggest having a car charger or an extra charger for work. If you play games like word fued your phone will not last the entire day. To sum it up... its an android phone with fast as hell interwebs. I will be using my thunderbolt to supply a 4g connection to my ipad and/or netbook which is why it was worth it to me. If you are eligible I say go for it as you lose the frustrating waiting game while trying to surf and the price is in line with the other phones.
  17. I'd do $250 just because of how much it dropped overnight with the ipad 2. If noone has one I'll just get the 32 from work and sell my netbook for $200.
  18. Thanks, tried to post from my droid in the middle of a staff meeting lol. I can get the 32gb from work for 350.. wanted to see if anyone came to the conclusion that $250-290 would be a good price at this point.
  19. Anyone thats getting the ipad 2 want to part with their first gen?
  20. No, El Karacho said it best.. They are going to save butt loads of money in upkeep and have no additional need to expand by getting rid of the high data users. Its a win for them at the expense of network leaches. Every company will be following soon enough.. We are in the age of charge more for less to make bigger profits Verizon, Att.. who's next??
  21. Was going to come here and infract for racism.... Saw titties, forgiven
  22. I'm going to start spawn camping you...
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