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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I have my son on his xbox all day, me on my xbox at night, daughter on the computer, and wife on the laptop.... and we dont even use 20gb. There is data going in and out of my house for 22 hours a day. Are you people that use more than 250gb streaming high definition goat porn all day
  2. Welcome to our humble site. I must warn you that a guy that goes by "Jones" will say he hates your wheels. After voicing his opinion via an android cellular device or a high tech computer he will get in one of his many Audis and drive to Steak N Shake for dinner.
  3. That has been me to a T over the last 2 years. My best time just happened. No planning, no recorded video... I got to the rental late, was pissed at my job, and had to borrow someones nitrous bottle. This year I got 3 bonus checks, and my tax return so putting a little into the car was in the cards. Especially since its time to change valve springs anyway. Erik the internals are still stock. I've been waiting on it to die for the last 4 years but its still ticking. Last year it dynod the exact same number to the decimal point that it did 3 years ago. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/Transam6-12-09011-2.jpg I do want to try out some turns again. I changed the alignment on the car once and it handled pretty well. It wasnt agile like a running back per se.. more like a lineman with nice footwork
  4. Since we appear to not do it enough I wanted to talk about my car... I'm guessing my car at this point makes 585rwhp/710rwtq. I have never fully sprayed on the dyno so as you can see I'm guessing. The estimate is based on a calculation between the numbers on motor and the numbers on a small shot (both done at dynotune). I'm right at the production weight of around 3600, and suspension has been completely upgraded with UMI parts. To keep it comfortable as a DD I went with a 3600 stall and a mid size cam. My best time to date in a straight line is 10.72 @ 128. It was on a 92 degree day and trails prep was mediocre as it was towards the end of the rental. I did use the trans brake on the run but the dr's lost traction and it cut a 1.6 60'. Air to fuel was a little off but on the safe side so I have no plans of leaning it out any more. The best way to improve on that is more top end and traction. Going into this year I have spent a little more on the car (as I haven't since the roll bar install) but the budget was only $750. I plan to start running the slicks again so I can spray off the line, while the car should make about 20 more rwhp putting me around 600 when I get done. Roughly 30-40 pounds have been removed from the nose of the car and about 30 from the mid and rear. Nothing major but every little bit helps. With good prep I should be able to easily beat my PB, and possibly reach my goal of 10.4.. Thanks for reading my random car blog (which is still a little gay but better than trolling)
  5. I'm going to assume you have an automatic smart car...
  6. Hellz yeah! All that shifting and worrying about rpm's is for the birds. While they are looking for the shift light I'm in my glove box looking for change.
  7. Its an auto with a nitrous controller. I put my foot to the floor and if it doesnt work the first time I change the tire pressure Hell, my best time ever was on a 92 degree day, shitz like clock work son... rele tawk!
  8. Better bring out the big boy jets and use that displacement/forged advantage. Hopefully you have more to squeeze out of it because what you ran wont be enough... just saying
  9. @ Chris I can understand why you would feel this way and I apologize if you feel like you were mistreated. Go choke on a camel dick before I tea bag your soul
  10. PM sent with pricing. Note: touching is $5 extra per finger and $10 for palms. Back to the thread.. This was the last time Phil went to the track... http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/TransAm095-1.jpg After we raced he went home and watched a brand new episode of the Cosby Show.
  11. How would you know if I didn't race? The last time you went to a track two Amish guys were trying to brake the 25 second mark in aerodynamic buggies. P.S. What half of you lames do isnt racing anyway. Its navigating dirt slow pieces of shit recklessly on public streets.
  12. When I'm in a rush in the morning I only wash my balls ass and armpits
  13. Last time I dealt with someone online they ended up breaking into a car right after we made the exchange..
  14. After a year of bs-ing I finally got around to buying what I needed to replace my kitchen floor. After going to a bunch of different places Lumber Liquidators were by far the best and best priced for what I wanted. To all of you that posted about them in the home improvement threads thank you!!! What I wanted was on sale, came with padding, and ultimately I saved $400.
  15. I thought about you when they talked about the guy watching people...
  16. I wish I could ban you. My masters degree in applied common sense makes you difficult to stomach.
  17. The night crew is dead. All you will see if you log on late is a guy in a hood carrying a lantern and saying penis repeatedly under his breath. Some say its the ghost of Hal... some think its the ghost of the black stig...
  18. With the rear bar being removable whats the best way to anchor it?
  19. I have never seen a dealership that didnt inflate their prices to take advantage of the people that are willing to pay sticker. The one car I almost got from them they were willing to drop $3k off the price. I did my sleep on it thing like I always do and found the same car with less miles. Paid a little more but it was worth it. I say stop by and see what you can squeeze out of them.
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